I think sometimes those of us who see these quite frequently forget just how wonderful they are, and how there are so many who will never see them. Then, on certain nights, our breath is almost taken away by the beauty. There is a legend that if you whistle, the aurora borealis will change. But you don't want to do it too often, or they will become angry with you, come down, and take you away.
I guess I'm lucky then. I've seen and heard the real thing. I used to live up on Manitoulin Island, largest freshwater island in the world, Northern Ontario. It's astounding, awesome, amazing and something I will never forget. The green lights up the sky and makes it so that you can see everything around you. Talk with your Nana and look at her directly. Nana and Grandad were visiting from the UK so the timing was perfect. The Northern Lights, which is another word for it make a slight snap, buzz in the air. It was such a treat and something I will never forget.