Many moons ago my first graders and I made a list of all things you could make with apples. Apple sauce, apple pie, apple-pan-dowdy. We must have had twenty.
This was autumn of their first grade and most were just making the connections necessary to reading.
As they contributed (with a bit of prompting! ) I wrote them on very large "story paper." That stayed hung in a prominent place and we went over it each day. They were absolutely amazed that soon they could READ almost all of the items. One day I asked if they would like to take the list home and READ it to their family. Oh, yes! Now it was family time to be amazed!
What good memories these puzzles bring back. Thank you, Crazy4jigsaws!!!
This was autumn of their first grade and most were just making the connections necessary to reading.
As they contributed (with a bit of prompting! ) I wrote them on very large "story paper." That stayed hung in a prominent place and we went over it each day. They were absolutely amazed that soon they could READ almost all of the items. One day I asked if they would like to take the list home and READ it to their family. Oh, yes! Now it was family time to be amazed!
What good memories these puzzles bring back. Thank you, Crazy4jigsaws!!!