Birthday Cupcakes Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle online of a birthday celebration. The cupcake is drizzled with chocolate and topped with a red candle.


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Aug 2, 2018
Happy birthday from Sweden! Been here for about 3 years and I'm very impressed how fast some of you are doing the puzzles. Keep up the good spirit!
Jan 17, 2022
Hejsan, Stolle! Jag r inte Svensk, men ja studerade p gymnasiet d r f r en stund. Trevligt att tr fas! Hoppas att vi ses igen!
Jan 17, 2022
Oh dear, I guess you can't write in Swedish on here! Haha!
Jan 17, 2022
Not all letters work. But I understood. The letters with dots over, like a and o, don't work. Where are you from? Var bor du nu?
Jan 19, 2022
In Los Angeles. Where do you live in Sweden? Are you Swedish?
Feb 24, 2022
Sorry, I didn't see your message until now. I'm Swedish and live in Stockholm. Hope you liked your stay in Sweden.
Feb 25, 2022
Oh, I did, it was amazing. At first it was really hard because I didn't speak Swedish at all and immediately started in a typical Gymnasiet, but I learned really fast and I'm so glad I went there!
Nov 1, 2018
Thank you Kevin and Happy Birthday...I can't get away from this site and love the puzzles...they bring peace to my life and are so relaxing...many many thanks.....Alice
Aug 10, 2018
Congratulations love this site been on since it was launched 11 years can not believe it love to read all the comments this is the first time l have comment but when you have asked for praise and help l all ways send them all though l don't post them love and best wishes to all
Emma - Crazy4Jigsaws Staff
Jul 31, 2018
Can you believe it's been 11 years since we launched Crazy4Jigsaws? Thanks to everyone who's been with us from the beginning, those who are just joining us, and everyone else in between. How long has everyone been a member on here? Happy Birthday!!!
Aug 1, 2018
Congratulations, Kevihn - that's fantastic. I think I've been around for about five of those.

Love your puzzles, they bring so much pleasure and joy to so many people - especially those who can't manage to get out/about to meet many other folks.

Please keep up the good work - God Bless you all at
Aug 1, 2018
Happy Birthday! :)
Aug 1, 2018
Happy birthday, C4J, and thank you for the gentle distractions that preserve my sanity on stress-filled days.
Aug 1, 2018
Kevin and C4J Staff I don't remember when I joined
it's been more than 7 yrs.
I am 90 and I enjoy every minute I am doing puzzles
thank you and the staff and all my C4J friends and God bless
wishing all
a butterfly on your shoulder
and a happy little song in your heart
kind of day
love and prayers to all
Aug 1, 2018
Well done Kevin and staff - I am probably one of the in betweens but know it has been at least four years. How many countries involved now - at last count I think it was something like 129. Thank you so much for an incredible site and one where I have made some beautiful friends. Hugs from Australia
Aug 1, 2018
Happy 11th Birthday Crazy4Jigsaws! I've been a member for about 3 years now. My sister is a member and told me about you and now I tell others about you!
Aug 1, 2018
Happy Birthday and Thank You!
Aug 1, 2018
Happy birthday! I've need here almost four years. Met wonderful folks here. The puzzles are quite relaxing especially at the end of a hard day. Thank you to the entire team and all the puzzlers. A privilege being a part of it.
Aug 1, 2018
Typo @need...been here.
Aug 1, 2018
Happy Birthday to Kevin and everyone at Crazy4jigsaws. I don't know how long its been since I joined the group, but It has been a LONG time, and I still enjoy it.
Aug 1, 2018
Happy Birthday Crazy4Jigsaws!
Aug 1, 2018
Happy Birthday and a big THANK YOU to C4J, Kevin & Staff for being here for all of us. This is the best puzzle site ever, and I appreciate you every single day.
Aug 1, 2018
Only joined about 3 years ago. I must have gotten something that told me about this site. I love it. My neice gives me a year of this when my birthday comes. Best present ever. Thank you for creating it.
Aug 1, 2018
Happy Birthday Kevin and staff!! I have been on here longer than I can remember. I have met some wonderful people on here. Thank you and God bless ya'll;
Aug 1, 2018
Happy 11th Birthday Kevin and C4J staff,,, have had great fun with all the puzzles, really enjoy them,, keep them coming...have a great day!!!
Aug 1, 2018
Kevin and staff Happy Birthday to you all. I have been on site for 3 wonderful years. This is by far the best puzzle site on line. Wish I had found you sooner, but I've only had my laptop for almost 4 years. Thank you for all your hard work and for giving us this site to puzzle and chat. We have a wonderful and friendly bunch here. Thanks again and be safe.
Aug 1, 2018
Thank you for this site! I have been on about 4-5 years, and joined the "Message Group" this past year. Happy Birthday C4J!!
Aug 1, 2018
Happy Birthday!! Thanks for all you help over all the years I've been on! Not sure when I started but sure enjoy it!
Aug 2, 2018
Happy B_day Crazy4 Jigsaws and thanks for the wonderful puzzles!
Aug 2, 2018
Happy Birthday Kevin & C4J. I always enjoy your puzzles and seeing the comments from fellow puzzlers. I don't know how long I've been a member.
Aug 2, 2018
Also in case I didn't say it last year, happy birthday to me and Herman Melville!
Aug 2, 2018
A looooong time. :-)
Aug 2, 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY C4J! I have been on here for 5-6 years, I think. Very grateful for the anonymous donor who allowed me to go to premier when I wanted it so badly but coulcn't afford it. Grateful that I can now ddo it on my own. Can't tell you how much I've come to depend on the prayer support here during the difficult times. Love the puzzles sooo much! Thank you all.
Aug 2, 2018
Kevin, et al, lots of years and have enjoyed every one of them. I recommend this site whenever a situation arises to do so. Keep 'em coming!
Aug 2, 2018
Happy Birthday:-)
Aug 2, 2018
Happy B-Day C4J!! Thank you Kevin and staff for providing my evening relaxation! As far as I can remember, I've been enjoying your puzzles for 7-8 years, and I think I started following the "chat room" about 4-5 years ago. I've met some good friends here, even if I don't respond all the time!

Okay, now go eat some cake!!
Aug 2, 2018
Kevin --- You didn't launch just a jigsaw site; you created
--- world-wide friendships
--- a support group
--- a prayer group
--- a sharing of thoughts, experiences, memories
--- and caring for one another.
Thank you for all of that! Happy Birthday
(I'm not sure, but I may be here for 5 or 6 years.)
Aug 2, 2018
Thanks for a wonderful site.
Aug 2, 2018
Beautiful thoughts Jamp, thanks for putting it into words for those of us who enjoy this site so much. Hugs.
Aug 3, 2018
Happy Belated Birthday to the C4J site and all the great folks who keep is maintained and running! There are times when "the busier I do, the behinder I get" -- and I'm in the midst of one of those cycles now, but thought I'd play catch-up on a puzzle or two and saw your notice. You've got my vote for not only the best puzzle site on the web but the best staff and members as well. It is a treasure, so I'm hoping you all have many, many more birthdays in the future. Take care, and thanks!
Aug 5, 2018
Happy Birthday Crazy4jigsaws. I have enjoyed your puzzles for many years. Your work is truly appreciated.
Aug 2, 2018
Happy 11th to C4J!!!! I am crazy for jigsaws, and have been all my life starting with those in boxes. Stopped doing those when my cats started chewing on the pieces spread out on my table. I luckily found your site around 7 yrs. ago...thank goodness! (Sorry kitties)!
Aug 5, 2018
Yes, isn't it nice to work puzzles and know you have all the pieces (and not some knocked on the floor and played under the couch)? Kitties, gotta love 'em.
Aug 3, 2018
Kevin and C4J folks - seems like only yesterday, but I think my husband and I both have been with you 6-7 years. Happy birthday to you all, and many more too! You give us many hours of fun and companionship. Thank you!
Aug 1, 2018
Oh yum why do these pictures look so yummy lol.

"Don't take tomorrow to bed with you."
Norman Vincent Peale
Aug 1, 2018
Good night and God bless. Hugs.
Aug 1, 2018
Love this quote! I don't remember if I have posted this quote or not and I have no idea where I got it from, "Worry is like praying for something you don't want." Blessings!
Aug 1, 2018
Good one, nborchardt, and so true!
Aug 2, 2018
Great quote nborchardt. Hugs.
Aug 2, 2018
That quote is perfect for me right now. It's 9:00 pm and I am going over my worries of today and the worries of tomorrow, like I usually do. Thank you :)
Aug 2, 2018
:) leia7 - I think we are all guilty of that, just need to be reminded now and then. Hugs.
Aug 2, 2018
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