Blue Needles Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle online of blue knitted needles. The needles are knitting cream colored yarn.


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Jul 2, 2024
Used to do a lot of knitting, but not anymore.
Feb 3, 2017
Knit 1, purl 1. Used to do lots of knitting but not anymore. I don't need anything that needs to be knitted. Been there, done that!
May 17, 2017
Known as ribbing! I'm still happily knitting and venturing back into crochet once again.
Oct 11, 2016
I am knit going to make any comments about this puzzle until the purl gal is finished with the project.
Oct 11, 2016
Are you needling us?
Oct 12, 2016
What kind of yarn are you trying to spread about me, JT? Our daughter-in-law several years ago spent a year crocheting us a bed spread for our king-sized bed that weighs nearly 7 pounds. But it is sooo warm in the winter.
Oct 13, 2016
I'm just stringing you along.
Dec 31, 2016
Pull...yourselves together!
Jan 2, 2017
Don't thread-en me either Jamie. lol
Jan 2, 2017
You're just tinking about your next sentence, aren't you, PW? !

Now you're going to have to ask me about how a tink fits in here :)
Jan 5, 2017
O.K, Taffi, how does tink fit in here? The only thing I can think of is tink as a sudden sound like the tinkling of the bells. I thought I had posted a comment to your comment but I don't see it. My vision must be fading.
May 17, 2017
Tink is knit backwards but I put it in there as in reference to think! And yes, redid the puzzle and saw this comment. Sorry about the slowness of reply.
Oct 11, 2016
Never plastic needles they stick if your hands get hot and can break with the weight of the garment. I have never seen an Aran or knitting pattern like that one in the puzzle, looks a little complicated for me. It is good to know that hand knitting is coming back into fashion, I have been busy trying to teach foreign carers to knit not easy.
Have a truly unravelled day. God bless.
Oct 11, 2016
I wish I could knit. I've tried to but my stitches start out OK and then get tighter and tighter; then, when I've noticed I need to let up on the pressure, the stitches go back to being more normal. Doesn't make for nice looking knitting. Oh well, God's given me other talents.
Oct 12, 2016
Try timing your self up to when you tighten up, the knitting I mean, then knit for that length of time, rest for a few minutes then carry on, I don't know if it will work, try with some odd wool not something that matters. God bless.
Oct 13, 2016
LOL. I guess I should've mentioned that my rows of loose stitches and my rows of tight stitches can be as close together as every other row.

That's ok. I love being a potter.
Oct 14, 2016
I also loved pottery especially the wheel, we hope to set up a pottery shed for the residents to have a go. I shall be able to have a go if my hands allow. What part of the craft do you like?
Be like clay in the hands of the Lord and find peace in His blessing.
Oct 14, 2016
I use the coil and slab methods to do my pottery because they allow more of a sculptural aspect to working with the clay.
Dec 31, 2016
It looks like knit and purl, really. I've been knitting now for 10 years or so. Used to knit when I was 14. Then into my 20s. Quit when I went to college. Then I was working. Got back into it when my depression hit. Knitting has been proven to provide peace. And I can attest to that as at times, I'll fall asleep while knitting. Not good, I can tell you. Now, when I feel that way, I put the knitting down! Take care! And yes, no to plastic needles.
Oct 27, 2016
Fun! Fun! Fun!
Oct 11, 2016
Lovely pattern on the board this is lying upon. Geometrics can be so much fun.

Thank you to all who responded to my prayer request yesterday. I wrote this poem recently for those on whom I know I can call in time of need - and hardly speak to at any other time. All of you are included in my "Foul Weather Friends"

Some might say you're my foul weather friends
I call at stormy times to whine and moan
Then, when my world's set aright again
I leave you uncalled and alone.

I hope you know I treasure you dear
And hold you close to my heart every day,
For you are the ones I trust with my tears
The ones I go to when I need help to pray.

Fair weather friends are for laughter and fun
And for whiling away the hours.
Foul weather friends are for broken heart times
Which are beyond the healing of flowers

So, my friend in all weathers,
My life is just fine,
I need no urgent prayers,
And have no reason to whine

I'm thinking of you –
You're in my heart today,
But if I can't whine
I don't know what to say!
nlb 2016

I do have needs today AND I appreciate you very much when I do not.

God bless you all.
Oct 11, 2016
Lovely thoughts nlb and I think we would all have those kind of friends in our life. Hugs.
Oct 11, 2016
Such meaningful words.
Oct 11, 2016
May God bless you with the best of everything nlb.
Oct 12, 2016
Hi Malko, hope you are well. Have had you on my mind lately. Hugs.
Oct 11, 2016
Bronze. The swifties are sleeping in again.
I'm not the neatest knitter natty nattered as she knitted nothing nifty,
simply socks as something thrifty.
Wishing you successful projects today.
My sister-in-law is getting a hip replacement today. I'd appreciate prayers for her, as I know you will. I could use a prayer or two also.
I have to sing a funeral at 10 and don't feel well. Feels like a diverticulitis attack. Please ask God to hold it off until I'm finished singing. Thanks.
Oct 11, 2016
Will pray pixipixil.
Oct 11, 2016
Thank you Sunset. I just got bakc and I really appreciate your prayer which God answered. I was afraid I would end up running for the bathroom in the middle of Mass but that didn't happen. Thank you sunset and thank you God.
Oct 11, 2016
Keep the diverticulitis at bay! May your sister have the same glorious result with her hip replacement that I did - NO pain at all and full range of movement.
Oct 11, 2016
Thank you, Aknan. That would be wonderful. She takes care of her health so there's every reason to expect a good outcome but it never hurts to ask for prayers.
Oct 11, 2016
Got here late today, pixi, but I'm glad to hear that you were able to get through the funeral. I'll pray for your sis-in-law that her operation is successful and her recovery swift and complete.
Oct 11, 2016
Thanks trynfindit. Appreciate it.
Oct 11, 2016
Pretty and fun to do
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