Books Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle for free online of books on a wooden table. Some of the books have been left open.


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Aug 23, 2018
Used to read all the time. Don't do it much anymore. I read, but not books. I love some of the web pages. I have learned so much!
Aug 23, 2018
I read ebooks on the computer
i can make the print larger
Sep 14, 2016
I've been reading since age two and read every day. I've always loved to read!
Jan 28, 2018
Did you say you've been reading since age 2? Oh wow!
Feb 12, 2016
Love my books, but not one to sit down and read one in one go.

"Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life." Mark Twain

"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book." Groucho Marx

Good night dear friends and may God abundantly bless you. Hugs.
Feb 12, 2016
I love books, too. I have about 6000 on the Kindle Reader on my computer. I try to read 4 books a week. So this puzzle was perfect for me - except the print was a wee bit too small for my eyes..:-)
Feb 12, 2016
I emulate Groucho! Reading is my relaxation and I read voraciously - about 250 books a year. Thank goodness for my Kindle. It holds so many books on all subjects and makes traveling a breeze.
Feb 12, 2016
I just bought a Samsung/Nook for my husband so he can download and read while we are on vacation.
Feb 12, 2016
I love to read too, but when my notepad died I did not replace it, really like the feel of a book in my hands. I read about 8 books a month, sometimes more. I donate
the ones I buy to our library and also check out ones from them. I read for about an hour or two before bed every night. I'm never without one to read in the house.
Feb 12, 2016
WOW Aknan, no wonder you are such a clever lady. Hugs.
Feb 12, 2016
ParsonWayne - four books a week, are you a speed reader? My husband was able to read quickly too and got through many books in the time we were married. Hugs.
Feb 12, 2016
Catlady, I'm with you. Love the feel of a book in my hand and being able to turn to the next page. I read before I go to bed and have a rocker in my bedroom which is my reading chair. It is all set up with a light etc, so do enjoy my reading time and wind down time before I go to bed. Hugs.
Feb 12, 2016
Catlady - just to mention today (Saturday here) I go to the library and I have had Joel Osteen's latest book "I am" on order and it is ready to be picked up. I love going to the library and they seem to have a never ending supply of good books, even though it is not a big library. The staff are great as well and always helpful. Hugs.
Feb 12, 2016
Know what you are saying, our here is nice size and very helpful staff. They are in a system of a number of smaller town as well as Norman also you can get an OKC card and use for theirs. If they don't have it in this one, they will get it from one of their other one and send it here. They also have a great site that has all of the system on it.
Mar 1, 2016
I think it was also Groucho who said: "Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it is too dark to read."
Mar 1, 2016
Funny one ParsonW. But if you had a tablet instead you could:-)
Mar 12, 2016
The only tablets we had when I was growing up had a lot of lines on each page, but no words. Now I have a tablet that has l=ots of words and a few lions also.
Mar 20, 2016
Aknan, is voraciously the name of the author or the name of the book you are reading? lol
Feb 22, 2016
Handled about a hundred or so of these today...since I work in a library this is now and has always been a great joy to be around books.
Feb 28, 2016
I've always thought a library would be an awesome place to work...but not sure how much 'work' I'd get done, I'd be too busy reading!
Feb 12, 2016
Well, I admit it....I am a bookaholic!!! My house s full of books and I keep buying new ones...
Feb 12, 2016
You and my husband. I listen to them on cd player as I do housework.
Feb 12, 2016
I studied Modern Greek Language and Literature...Literature is my love.....I would like to write a novel one day...
Feb 13, 2016
I wrote 2. Nothing serious. Just fun stuff. I got started by doing a short story with a friend. We alternated writing a short story and he was a published writier and thought it good enough to show to his publisher. That's as far as it went but it was so much fun I decided to go ahead and try writing a novella by myself.
Feb 13, 2016
I never tried to publish anything, although I have written many poems...I have translated a book of poetry of a friend in English and we published it in limited copies....
Feb 13, 2016
I can only speak/read/understand my own language. It is so wonderful that you can speak/understand another language well enough to translate poetry. You should be very proud. That's a wonderful achievement.
As for the books I only epublished as it was easy to do and cost nothing. I still haven't made up the price of paying for the copyrights. There are so many books on Kindle and mine are so far down the list that I don't think anyone has the patience to even come across them much less choose them. The few that bought the first one didn't give it a star so I guess it wasn't much good.
Feb 13, 2016
Well, my native language is Greek, I had to learn more languages...I also speak a little Spanish..although my English was very good, when I went to Manchester, UK for a postgraduate course I could not understand much. It took me a month to get used to the accent....
Feb 13, 2016
We have trouble understanding some of the BBC shows and all we speak is English. People are always making fun of me for my Brooklyn accent. I haven't lived in Brooklyn since I was 4 but the accent never leaves.
Feb 14, 2016
In Greek we have accents too! The "BBC" accent was more easy for me to understand than the Mancunian accent...I have made English friends there who came from south cities of England and they told me that they couldn't understand that accent at first...The good thing is that, I can watch almost everything without subtitles
Feb 12, 2016
Books are wonderful. I love to read. I'm now reading a book, my 3rd one since Christmas!! Hope all our Crazy4Jigsaw puzzle family and staff has a great weekend!!!
Feb 12, 2016
Read the Bell Jar and Othello since Christmas (in book form) and am starting the Unconsoled (in book form). I mostly listen to cd's of books but I am always doing other things so it's only good to listen to pulp stuff where you don't have to mull things over.
Feb 12, 2016
Forgot to mention also finished the Weight of Water.
For some reason it reminded me of Snow Falling on Cedars which I read b4 the movie came out but also saw and loved the movie.
Feb 13, 2016
Nice! We can have an all new world open up in reading! We still get our local newspaper delivered and I enjoy reading it from front to back!!!!! Although I enjoy reading on my computer I still like the feel of books and paper in my hands!!!
Feb 13, 2016
I enjoy everything. It's nice to mix it up. Although one thing I like better real is solitaire. I love the feel of the cards although these days I just play it on the tablet.
one thing that hurts my teeth is when someone rubs their fingers together over a piece of newsprint. Just thinking about it gives me the creeps.
Feb 13, 2016
I am full on trying to cell my house and keep it looking as new as I can it is find when I am alone but when I have family or friends come along I just love it but then have to start all over again it is just like a Puzzle putting it all back together again.
Feb 12, 2016
I love to read, too. But with working and limited time I had to choose what to do in my free time. Puzzles won! Love them! I admit I'm addicted. We were out late last night and didn't get my puzzle in and I actually went through withdrawal!
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