Each color group of tulips is a reverse copy of the other. Notice how a particular bloom matches its partner as a mirror image. The piecing together of each of the groups is outstanding. I have no idea how that can be done so none of the seaming shows.
Wishing you an observant day.
I see what you mean. However, you look more at the details than I usually do. Late doing these because I had 2 errands to do--that were necessary!
Mar 13, 2020
Wow, I would never have noticed that and now you've got me wondering how they did it seamlessly as well.
Mar 16, 2020
How observant you are pixipixil!!!
Mar 18, 2020
Wow, pixipixil, I never would have noticed that. Good eye!
Observant? YOU are Miss Observant!
Mar 18, 2020
I was just trying to find a way to put the puzzle pieces where they belong. With a hard puzzle I look for some unique pattern and that's why I noticed it. I'd find two instead of one that were alike but facing opposite.
"Nothing gets your day off to better start than some cozy slippers, a streaming cup of coffee, and the warm purr of a soft kitten - unknow!
Have a Great Day!
Mar 12, 2020
I love your quote but my day starts with cozy slippers, fuzzy jammies, coffee, and my little beagle. My daughter is the cat lover, I am the dog lover. You have a great day as well my Dear.
Mar 12, 2020
My slippers are mouse's, son found them for me!
Mar 13, 2020
My cats would probably go after your slippers--at least Cleo.
Wishing you an observant day.
Observant? YOU are Miss Observant!
Spring is in the air! At least here in Florida. 80's all week!
"Nothing gets your day off to better start than some cozy slippers, a streaming cup of coffee, and the warm purr of a soft kitten - unknow!
Have a Great Day!