Hello I hope you are all well. I used to come on here a lot until my husband died in October last year. Since then I have had problems coming to terms with things and have bee unwell but I am now on the mend feeling much better and had a knee replacement 6 weeks ago. I am now much more mobile and in less pain so life is looking good now So nice to see lots of you still here
Crlyblonde, I'm so sorry for your sorrow. You've been wise to just take time to heal in many ways. Isn't wonderful how they can replace body parts? lol That sounds like it's straight out of a science fiction movie, but it really is true. Glad you're back up on your feet and moving forward.
A big thank you team for this one the colours have realy brighten my day.Seems to be our lucky year we had a new addition on Xmas day, yes, the oldest grand son and his wife had a baby boy, what a nice Xmas gift we had, what joy these off springs bring to us. Love from Santa.
They are beautiful. The puzzle was difficult for me though. They remind me of a kind of daisy.
Jul 1, 2016
I tried a couple of Google searches, but couldn't find anything like these - there were some pink dahlias that were kind of close, but they didn't have the yellow center and looked like they'd have more petals.
Jul 2, 2016
Try Arctotsis or African Daisy - hugs.
Jul 2, 2016
Joany, I vote for dahlia, too, but I couldn't find a picture of ours, either. I did find one, ta da! that was named for me: "Patrica Ann" How about that?
Loved it.
answer would work. hahaha