Having taught hundreds of children to read --- I love this!
Reading is included in a fun night of camping whether in a National Park or the back yard! I love that the book is in such a prominent place in the photo story.
Children should be reminded that even if an adult or another child is not available to listen them read, they can read to the family dog ---- or a teddy bear!!!
Sep 1, 2023
This teacher of reading didn't proofread!
------- "to listen to them read"
I was always making tents of whatever I found. Blanket over tree limbs, fences and it was fun. Till my older brothers showed up and that was the end. Great puzzle
Reading is included in a fun night of camping whether in a National Park or the back yard! I love that the book is in such a prominent place in the photo story.
------- "to listen to them read"