Beautifull, how gifted these temples are with such colours, and magnifecent art work, I would love to visit one of these temples, our daughter visit these and various other places, sends us lots of snaps she has taken, says these places and many others are very clean and not like some places in England where some people seem to drop litter on the ground, and do not pick up there rubbish., I must say there used to be quite a lot of places used to do this, but things seem to be looking up.Council people are now taking more care of the streets and litter people drop on the ground, maybe it is with traveling to other countries and see ing them take pride in there countries, they have cotton on at last.A big thank you for all these tidy countries for making places see what a difference picking up ones litter makes.
That's a wonderment. Maybe it has secret drain holes or something? Pictures taken in China always seem to have tons of lush greenery, so you know it must really rain a whole lot there. They must have it figured out after all of the thousands of years they've had to work on it!