It's hard for me to be happy this time of year. In March of a few years back I lost my husband and the following December of the same year I lost my only daughter. Just a few months apart. I had gone Christmas shopping with my daughter on Saturday and she passed away the following Tuesday. All very sudden. She LOVED CHRISTMAS so it;s pretty easy not to be real happy..I try tho for the rest of my family.
Merry Christmas to all of you! and a Happy New Year.
I have a theory that people die as near to their favorite time of year as possible so they will be closer to our hearts at that time. For my son it was Halloween.
As the people we love are no longer in our lives holidays become hollow-days.
Dec 24, 2018
I lost my husband a week before 9-11. The loss was great cause he was my best friend. But we learn to remember all the great times we had and learn to celebrate all the wonderful memories. and I find he is with me always. Peace be with you friend and lots of hugs
Been reading the previous bunch of comments and you are all such a great bunch of people and am honoured to call you my friends. The latest is that I am to have a brain scan on Tuesday to allay fears of a tumour. My father died that way and the things that were happening reminded me very much of that. I should be able to get the results on Wednesday. Then on 3 Jan I am to have the same scan on my neck to see if the blood pooling (thrombosis) has dissipated. Have to be extremely careful and always hang on to my walking stick, as a wrong move results in dizziness and I believe now that is the reason I fell nearly three weeks ago. Am changing doctors as my doctor of 16 years is now 89 and has begun to misdiagnose - he needs to retire but refuses to do so. So thank you all so much for your prayers and friendship. God bless all of you. Your Aussie friend.
Looks yummy and not too much icing so it shouldn't be too sweet and they are really cute. I don't have a steady hand to do things like that. If I did it people would think I'd been drinking, all the lines would be all erooked and wonky. Aussie my friend still in my prayers as always, feel better soon. Everyone be safe.
That should read " all crooked and wonky " Be safe all
Dec 17, 2018
Is Aussie sick? Haven't seen her on line. I to will put her in my prayers. Big Hugs to everyone and extra to Aussie
Dec 17, 2018
Jan1936 Aussie took a really bad fall at her home. Badly bruised and hurt neck. I'm sure she will welcome any additional prayers and hugs. Big hugs back to you also.
Merry Christmas to all of you! and a Happy New Year.
As the people we love are no longer in our lives holidays become hollow-days.
Been reading the previous bunch of comments and you are all such a great bunch of people and am honoured to call you my friends. The latest is that I am to have a brain scan on Tuesday to allay fears of a tumour. My father died that way and the things that were happening reminded me very much of that. I should be able to get the results on Wednesday. Then on 3 Jan I am to have the same scan on my neck to see if the blood pooling (thrombosis) has dissipated. Have to be extremely careful and always hang on to my walking stick, as a wrong move results in dizziness and I believe now that is the reason I fell nearly three weeks ago. Am changing doctors as my doctor of 16 years is now 89 and has begun to misdiagnose - he needs to retire but refuses to do so. So thank you all so much for your prayers and friendship. God bless all of you. Your Aussie friend.
Many Hugs.