Christmas Porch Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Christmas jigsaw puzzle online of a porch on a home. A wreath is hanging on the door and lights are inside the windows.


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(1) 2 Older »
Dec 10, 2018
A little bit difficult, but still a nice picture.
Dec 4, 2018
Lovely picture!
Dec 22, 2016
Sure glad I'm not trying to impress anyone with my time any more I have had so many interruptions I don't really know how long it took me to do this puzzle. My children and grandchildren are having our celebration "pizza and desserts" tomorrow to give the "in-laws and outlaws" each their chance with the same people. Scheduling gets a little crazy and we don't all need to fix turkey and the works. I prefer to keep it simple and with the way my fibromyalgia has been misbehaving, it is really a good thing this year. Even so, I think I have the most Christmas cheer I have had in years.

God bless you all.
Dec 27, 2016
The week before Christmas had my fibromyalgia acting up horribly. I'd go to bed in pain, wake up in pain, spend all day in pain. And my prescription pain moderator was not working on the fibro at all. But I went to a friend's house for Christmas meal and present unwrapping. Had a great time. And always do with these friends of ours. Wishing you all great blessings for 2017.
Dec 27, 2016
So glad someone understands what it's like to deal with fibro. I had a wonderful evening with my children and grand children. I told the fibro to take a hike and focused on the love of God and giving. Awesome. Glad you were able to do the same. God bless you with health, joy and love (and maybe a cure for fibro? ) in 2017. By the way, do you take vitamin b12? I take 5, 000 mcg liquid sublingual daily and it really helps combat the fatigue that is part of the disease. Having more energy makes it easier to live with the pain.
Dec 23, 2016
The folks at #187 really have their heart in Christmas!
Dec 22, 2016
So pretty
Dec 22, 2016
Agree very pretty. Love this time of year. Miss one type of sugar cookie. I even made them once.
Dec 22, 2016
Carolsapple, where those the sugar cookies made with cardamon? Very unusual taste, but good.
Dec 22, 2016
Hi all, Aussie you haven't miss much with not having snow. A little is great but we usually have so much it makes getting to your destination hard or not at all. Use to live in Southern California and we had the mountains to go to with snow. But we did have beautiful light shows and the true meaning of Christmas. Be safe everyone and Merry Christmas.
Dec 22, 2016
Great decorations. Simple, beautiful, and festive
Dec 22, 2016
Looks so Christmas like! Love it!
(1) 2 Older »