My little Yorkie (13) went into hospital yesterday with Cushings disease. Shame...she is so bewildered and confused as she has never been away from me overnight. Hope she's going to be okay. I just love her to bits. Feeling very emotional and need some prayers please.
It is amazing how our pets weave their way into our hearts. To be so loved by an animal is truly a blessing, and I hope your little sweetie and you are soon reunited.
Jan 24, 2017
I will pray that your little dog can get better enough to come home soon. My Jack Russell was recently diagnosed with a very advanced case of congestive heart failure. Of course, this will be fatal. but 6 pills keep her relatively comfortable except in the morning. Hope you are ready to be a nurse. I found that she takes her pills best crushed and mixed into pate cat food. I was using deli turkey when she was deathly ill during the first few days. Also, due to her age, check the amount of sodium and sugar in any cold cuts or animal food. There is an amazing difference among the brands. You will do fine with her, and she will be thrilled to go home with her favorite person.