Colorful Blocks Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jun 2, 2021
This is the first puzzle I've done in weeks. I was too tired from working the yard to start supper. I thought it would help but it just made me miss my husband.
Jun 3, 2021
Glad to have you back. Sorry you are going through so much. Praying for you. You have God to help you.
Jun 4, 2021
Thank you, becky. Today things are better. I completed the change of my husband's car title/registration to me. What an ordeal! I feel 100 pounds lighter which would mean I'm minus 2 pounds!!! just floating away.
What a relief.
Jun 4, 2021
Sorry pixi. Do you have anyone who can help you with yard work? Take care of yourself. xo
Jun 9, 2021
Hi xyxy. A neighbor's son is mowing. Except for weed whacking I always did everything else. My husband hated yard work. Now I am whacking also. Only need once a month. I can wait for cooler weather and pick a nice day to do it.
Today it's like a sauna. It's already 80 out and the humidity is sky high.I filled the bird feeders and was soaked when I got done. I will be staying in the rest of today!
Jun 9, 2021
You will have a lot of "firsts" in the coming year, pixi. All of them will bring back memories and as time goes by, those will be happy ones, not sad. Hugs to you.
Jun 10, 2021
I'm glad you're getting help with the yardwork Pixi, and you're smart to stay out of the extreme heat. I think Aknan's wise words are also helpful. We're here for you. xo
Jun 10, 2021
Thank you aknan and xyxy. I seem to be cryind a lot more these days. I was in such shock before I couldn't process my feelings. Today coming home it was hard to know no one was htere and glad I came home safely. But my husband never stopped what he was doing to welcome me so it's almost like he's still here.
Jun 11, 2021
Crying a lot is normal in your situation Pixi. Let it out, and know we care. xo
Jun 11, 2021
Thanks xyxy. Working in the garden is my best medicine these days.
Jun 14, 2021
Pixi, it took me 3 months before I could cry when my dad died. My therapy was playing my piano, usually with tears streaming down my cheeks. You will come through this darkness and be fine. Hugs.
Jun 15, 2021
I agree with you both pixi and aknan....gardening and music are therapeutic.
Jun 21, 2021
Grieving is a process and there is no formula for getting through it. Everyone is different and don't feel bad if you need to cry or whatever. Just take care of yourself every day. It will get better but it's a long slow process.
Jun 22, 2021
Aknan, xyxy and lilbc it is such a calming thing to hear your kind thoughts. Thank you. Things are beginning to fall into place. I have a big decision to make but not yet...whether to sell my home and move west near my brother or stay here where everything is already in place. I have wanted to move for many years but the thought of doing it alone...I didn't realize how much I depended on my husband for setting things up financially. Maybe by the spring I will feel I understand everything that needs to be done and can make a good decision. Right now it just looms in the back of my mind.
At least one good thing. I sold my husband's car yesterday. That was a huge concern to me and having it over with is a relief.
I haven't been on the site much. There is just too much to take care of to enjoy a nice puzzle. Maybe soon. At least lately I have been able to sit down to supper at a reasonable time.
Jun 22, 2021
Pixi, it sounds as though you are doing pretty well handling those difficult tasks. They say you shouldn't make any serious or drastic decisions for at least a year, but that is a rule of thumb. You have to do what is best for you. It sounds as though you've thought of moving for quite awhile. Just take it a day at a time. I'll say some prayers for the Good Lord to show you the right way for you. Listen to your heart.
Jun 22, 2021
Pixi, don't feel pressured to make any major decision right now. There's no hurry; home (wherever it is) will be there when you're ready for it. If you stay in place, that's fine, too. You have all your support systems - doctors, church - right there, which can be a plus. I've put off my decison to sell this place & move to a condo until Richard either dies (he begged so hard to stay! ) or is in a home, God forbid. I want him to die in familiar surroundings, if at all possible. The man I loved actually died months ago...
Take care, pixi. I hold you in my prayers.
Jun 23, 2021
Glad you feel better having sold your husband's car Pixi, and I agree that you should not rush into a decision about moving. The answers will come when you're ready, but in the meantime, take care of yourself and know we're here for you. xo
Jun 28, 2021
Thank you xyxy.
Jun 7, 2021
When my boys were little and had these blocks, for some reason they never found their way into the toy box....only found their way under my bare feet in the dark!
Jun 3, 2021
Started this in192 Classic. I had done about 3/4 of it and then put it on save I thought and when I went back to it it was gone. Did it again with 111 Skewed. Was some what hard with all the pieces in classic and then to have to do it again. What a pain. Only did it for the colors. My son left yesterday on his journey to Spain. Making several stops so won't be going over there for a month. Sure miss him being so far away. We did have a couple great days going around to site seeing places in the area then came home to a great meal Sam had fixed. He didn't feel real good and also wanted Corey and I to have our time. Sure miss him. He said he would probably come back to see family and friends in a year.
Jun 3, 2021
BRIGHT 'n' HAPPY blocks!!!!!!
Jun 3, 2021
Been out of touch for a while. Great to be back to enjoying the puzzles a gain
Jun 2, 2021
Difficult to do but enjoyed the challenge.
You can do anything you put your heart into!
Have a great day. Going for Maine lobster rolls in about an hour---YUM! YUM!