We have kookaburras here and they call them the laughing jackass as that is how they sound. Quite often they light on a telephone pole just outside my house and all set off laughing lol. They have no idea of time either and start up their laughing quite early and it is VERY loud, so too bad if you sleep in. I am up at 5am so they don't worry me.
Hi globug - here are a few facts.
The birds grow up to 47 cm (18.5 in) long and weigh about.5 kg (1 lb). Their bills are as long as 10 cm (4 in). Getting all their moisture from their food, they never need to drink water. They nest in hollow trees or termite mounds. Hugs.
Feb 7, 2016
I think that is.5kg not 5kg - should have proofed it before I sent it in. Hugs.
Feb 8, 2016
Thannks aussie. Guess he is bigger than he looks in the picture. Such a pretty bird
These appear to be common in Eurasia and North Africa, which is probably why they are rare here in the middle of the United States. Supposedly, they are about the size of a sparrow and it primarily eats small fish. Their eyes are adapted to seeing under water and catch fish by diving. They migrate if the rivers are frozen in the area they normally live.
So this is the infamous Kookaburra....remember learning in grade school in IL the Kookaburra song. Enjoy their laughter today. And for us state-siders wonder who the Kookaburra will be laughing at after the Super Bowl 50 is done.
Do I ever remember learning that song in 3rd grade! We also had to play our little kazoos, too. Memories.
Feb 7, 2016
Oh.by the way it was in Illinois, too.
Feb 7, 2016
We sang that song in both school and in Brownies! We would sing it in rounds until our leaders went crazy and made us stop! Laugh Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra, Gay your life must be!
!!!!! GO BRONCOS!!!!!
Feb 7, 2016
That is a kingfisher of which the kookaburra is part of this family. The kookaburras are sort of brown, black and white, not as pretty as the one pictured here. Hugs.
These are a strange looking bird they can sie on a branch like that for hours on end without moving when they spot ripples in the water made by a fish they are off like a bolt of lightning they don't miss very often
Take care and God bless. Hugs.
The birds grow up to 47 cm (18.5 in) long and weigh about.5 kg (1 lb). Their bills are as long as 10 cm (4 in). Getting all their moisture from their food, they never need to drink water. They nest in hollow trees or termite mounds. Hugs.
God bless you all.
!!!!! GO BRONCOS!!!!!