Oh my goodness! These cookies would be happily in my tummy before I could ever get them tied up with string!
However, the very best cookie that I have eaten since I can't remember when were from Subway (the sandwich shop). They are white chocolate and macadamia nuts. Believe me, they are to die for. There is a recipe for them online--look it up! After I lose about 50 lbs. or so, I'm gonna make a big--er--huge--batch of 'em
My son picked up some of the chocolate chip ones from there, they were great, tasted just like homemade ones!
Jan 25, 2015
For me to tie 3 cookies together, I'd probably have to start out with a dozen. I do have more self-control than Sesame Street's Cookie Monster, but, just barely.
Jan 25, 2015
I am salivating thinking of your cookies. My favorites!
Whenever we go to Subway my husband gets me a
couple. They are great!! FUN PUZZLE!!!
Jan 25, 2015
White chocolate and macadamia nut, sounds good to me! :))
However, the very best cookie that I have eaten since I can't remember when were from Subway (the sandwich shop). They are white chocolate and macadamia nuts. Believe me, they are to die for. There is a recipe for them online--look it up! After I lose about 50 lbs. or so, I'm gonna make a big--er--huge--batch of 'em
Whenever we go to Subway my husband gets me a
couple. They are great!! FUN PUZZLE!!!