Cookies and Candles Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle to play online for free on a night Christmas scene. A variety of Christmas cookies are displayed on a red platter surrounded by glowing candles.


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Jan 2, 2019
I admire the patience required for this type of cookie.
Dec 2, 2018
Good morning to all. What a lovely puzzle the colors are very nice together. It snowed lightly all night so far anyways, looks like there's about 5 inches and it's supposed to keep snowing until late this afternoon. Those cookies look yummy, not too sweet. Be safe
Dec 2, 2018
Temp 38 3 days ago at 8 am. This morning same time it's 68 degrees. This is a little north of Orlando. Crazy weather.
Dec 2, 2018
The colours are lovely. I am listening to a crackling fire on Youtube and this fits in so well. Where I live it's 62ºF at 6 PM but as we have terrazo floors and no heat in the apartment it's a bit chilly. Hot soup for supper, I think!
Dec 2, 2018
Where do you live? Buy a heater or wrap yourself in an electric blanket! Just stay warm. You certainly don't want to get sick now!
Dec 2, 2018
I can sympathize, it was 61 degrees in our house 3 days last week.
Dec 10, 2018
Elijah I live in S. Spain. Our houses are built for 100+F summer temperatures, not cold winter weather. Terrazo floors, no insulation, no heat, like that. I have a couple of space heaters but I try to dress warm as the electric bill will put you away.
Dec 11, 2018
Answered above. Hadn't gotten this far down on the list. Don't you have insulation for the summer heat? How long does your cold weather last? Not long I hope. Merry Christmas to you.
Dec 2, 2018
How do you make double layer cookies with jam in the middle?
Dec 2, 2018
You actually take two cookies the same size and use the jam to stick them together. Shortbread is a good choice. If you use too much jam they leak.
Dec 2, 2018
Two cookies- one for base and another one cut out center. put jam in middle and place other cutout cookie on top. bake and eat...yum
Dec 10, 2018
Thank you. I will have to try them this Christmas.
Dec 2, 2018
Pretty scene. Thinking of Aknan after the earthquake yesterday...hope she (and any other puzzlers in Alaska) are ok.
Dec 4, 2018
Thank you, xyxy! We were shaken, but not stirred (sorry, 007! ) and are fine, although it wasn't until Saturday night that my hands quit shaking. Have several new cracks in the plaster, mostly cosmetic, I think. Lost a lot of glassware and some collectibles that can't be replaced. By Friday evening, everything was at least reasonably clean and in place. Saturday was a deep cleaning day, both at home and in our office.

That was a 7.0 earthquake, with 4 or 5 aftershocks of 5.4 or higher. We've had over 1, 000 aftershocks since then, most too small to feel. Frankly, I never want to experience another earthquake like it and certainly not a stronger one!
Dec 6, 2018
Glad you're ok. Must have been terrifying.
Dec 2, 2018
Beautiful puzzle. It is rainy, drizzly, and very foggy here in SW. VA. The weather fits my mood today. Very down and depressed. I am afraid my school work may be suffering from my depression. I miss my son so much. Love you all so very deeply.
Dec 2, 2018
Mamag, I know this time of year is so difficult for you. I pray God gives you strength and peace. You are loved.
Dec 2, 2018
I know so many people that are struggling with depression right now. I will add you to my prayer list. (and your husband, too)
Dec 2, 2018
So sorry
Dec 2, 2018
Thank you Sweety.
Dec 2, 2018
Dec 2, 2018
I love the look of those Christmas cookies and candles.
Dec 2, 2018
Tough one but pretty and festive
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