Deckchairs Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle online of two striped deckchairs. The chairs are on a sandy beach overlooking the ocean.


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Sep 14, 2024
When I was much younger, used to sit in these chairs. Now to get up from these I would have to tip them over and crawl out!
Aug 4, 2017
Two best seats in the house!
Sep 25, 2020
Three years later --- enjoyed it again!
Feb 19, 2018
My days of sitting in the sun, and much less putting on a bathing suit, are long gone. I remember sitting in chairs just like those in this puzzle and reading a good book until the sun went down. Good memories to hold onto!
Oct 15, 2016
Jan 30, 2016
Looks relaxing
Jun 16, 2015
Sit & do nothing & afterwards, rest.
May 17, 2015
Need a beach umbrella and a blanket so I can take off my sandals. My feet don't like pebbles. Looks like a beautiful day. We are having a gorgeous morning. We haven't had rain in a while. Not due for any until Tuesday. By now I usually have all 3 rainbarrels filled but It hasn't rained enough to set them up. My midseason tulips never opened. It got so hot eventhough I watered them every day they just dried out as unopened flowers.
The rhodies that didn't bloom last year are doing better this year. Two of the four are giving lovely blooms. It usually takes 3 years for anything I plant to decide to get established. Then they take off for a while b4 some plague or other kills them.
Wishing you tranquility today and a very blessed Lord's Day.
May 17, 2015
My goodness, pixi, you and flowers seem to have some problems. Sounds like those tulips had some problems in the bulbs.
May 18, 2015
No. It just has been very dry for this time of year and unseasonably warm and windy. It happened to the daffies and now the irises are reacting the same way. I was sick yesterday but dragged myself out to water. I have lupines starting to bloom and they were all drooping over.
May 19, 2015
Pixie I have never heard of tulips doing that before. If its that hot now I wonder what it will be like in July and August?
May 19, 2015
Have never heard of daffodils doing that either. That's a new one on me.
May 19, 2015
I guess it has to be the right combination of hot and dry and hit at the time they are ready to open. I got about a half day to enjoy them then they started drying out. I just cut off the dried out unopened tulips today. The few doubles I bought opened but the petal edges dried up. Lupines and rhodies plus a few iris that the moth grubs didn't eat up are blooming now. I used to have a huge number of iris all over the place. I lost about 90%--all the really fancy ones are gone. Most of what's left are small butter yellow ones. Happily the dried up holly branches are trying to make a comeback.
A nearby town is going on water conservation so t will depend on God at this point to send rain. (I know it always depends on HIm.)
May 20, 2015
Where are you?
May 20, 2015
If you mean me, I'm across the river from Albany NY.
We have been having a hot, dry sring.
May 17, 2015
My daughter is coming up in morning and even though she normally takes me out to dinner we decided to stay here and do a lot of things that need to get done and get things organized. I told her I am drained lately from these allergies and so tired because of it. This is also what I need the most and am glad she will be able to come up and help.
My granddaughters birthday is today also and she is 1 years old and my daughter in laws birthday was yesterday.
That sure is a colorful pebbled beach. Would like to see it up close. Wish I was there!
May 17, 2015
Happy birthday to you granddaughter and your dau-in-law!
May 18, 2015
Thank-you trynfindit. My granddaughter and I have the same birthdate May 17 and as far back in the family as anyone knows that has never happened before with any grandparent and granddaughter or grandson either to have the same birthdate so there was a lot of talk about it when my granddaughter was born!
Also no disaster or malady. My daughter comes up on my birthday and always takes me out to dinner but this time I needed help moving a lot of heavy things and reorganizing that we decided to just stay home and get as much done as possible before my daughter had to leave. I couldn't of done it without her but boy did I ever ache last night and ache today too cause I moved more things myself today as she went back last night.
I think I need a nap now as I have only got less then 3 hours of sleep each night for 2 nights in a row. My daughter is coming back again as soon as she can as there is tons to do here and too much for one person so I am glad and thankful for that!
May 19, 2015
Well Happy Birthday to you too!!
Goodness, sounds like you're downsizing in your house. Glad there's no illness or problems.
Get some sleep, lady!
May 19, 2015
Thank-you trynfindit.
Yes I am trying to downsize. I have been in this place almost 20 years with 8 children but now that all of them have been gone for the past few years I cant stand the overload of stuff and some of my boys were good at not taking their things and also bringing stuff here and dumping it when I was gone in town. Well they are going to get it all back cause my daughter will make her rounds taking it to them. This place has turned into a storage place for their stuff and I am forever hunting for things. Now that they are farther away they don't pull that but they don't get their things either but they will be surprised when its delivered to them, lol!!!
Took a long nap yesterday and now I don't feel like a zombie anymore!
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