Denim Cat Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jul 13, 2023
Love to do any "kitty" things. So cute. I have 2 cats now and love them both.
Jul 13, 2023
Same here elijah13. Love my two also, and find them sleeping in the funniest places both indoor and out. Yesterday my Tink (short for tinkerbell) was on top of my outdoor waterfall. It was getting dusk and since she's dark colored, I didn't see her for a long time. She finally came down much to my amusement.
Jul 14, 2023
Mine are both inside cats!
Jul 14, 2023
One of my cats...Mitzi, is strictly an indoor kitty. All my cats were indoor until Tink came along. She adopted me. Sat outside my patio door for a week. Asked all my neighbors if they had seen her before and they hadn't. I finally broke down and fed her and then days later let her into my house. She's been a blessing ever since, but definitely likes to be out during the day and never leaves my back patio.
Jul 16, 2023
Looks like you love cats as much as I do. They are so much company for me.
Jul 13, 2023
My cat had tried to go on vacation with me by hiding under my clothes in my suitcase. She left her tail hanging out. Loved the memory and this puzzle.
Jul 13, 2023
"Don't leave your pants lying around or you won't be wearing the pants in your family any more! "
Jul 12, 2023
Our cat Pandora used to sleep like this when my husband left his jeans on the chair (or floor). She was a good kitty and lived to a ripe old age.