Tried the hexagon on this one. Didn't look terribly hard because the colors are so clearly separated. Boy was I wrong! It took me over an hour but I finished it. This is why I usually stick with tessellation, the one I know I can do best. Still, quite proud of myself for persevering. God bless and keep you all. I so appreciate your "friendship".
This puzzle is making me hungry for chili. It is about that time of year again so I just might have to make some once I find my kitchen from after moving. I moved from a small kitchen to a big one so I am excited to cook! :)
Beans, beans, the musical fruit
The more you eat the more you toot.
I just couldn't help myself from printing that. I am so naughty.
The more you toot, the better you feel,
So let's have beans with every meal!
We're both naughty!
"It's better to toot and be in shame than not to toot and be in pain."