I would feel so lonely by sitting in that empty tomb in 2021, but then that still small voice within the heart would speak, "I'm here! " (Thank you, beloved Savior.)
That is a good question since it was a meat God's people were not allowed to eat until Jesus fulfilled the law.
Apr 21, 2017
I think some of the reason might be that is the only meat left, i.e. the smoked meats, that would keep through the winter. The crop of young animals wasn't large enough yet, and not usually time to butcher in the spring on a farm. This probably happened back when most people were farmers.
I love Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but this is what it is all about. Thanks, Kevin and C4J staff, for this puzzle, and all the others I've enjoyed so much.
wonder if I will do it in 2021?
when will I do it again?
I was chatting with a friend yesterday at lunch and we started wondering how did ham become a traditional Easter dinner meal?