Fashion Designer Studio Jigsaw Puzzle

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Feb 22, 2023
I don't ever want to thread a needle again. I always ended up poking my finger. Anyway, I hate sewing.
Feb 27, 2023
Have you seen the sewing hack ( I call then ideas) that you lay your thread on a toothbrush and push the needle over the thread and it does the threading for you. Haven't tried it but hay its worth a try. Blessing to all
Sep 8, 2024
LOL, I hear ya. I think of sewing once in a while, knowing it'll probably never happen again.
Sep 9, 2024
So true. I sew aprons till I don't want to ever sew another. I probably will cause we go through them so fast at camp.
Mar 23, 2023
Interesting and colorful jigsaw puzzle. Enjoyed working it.
Feb 22, 2023
Used to make all my clothes--not anymore. Clothes are not that expensive anymore--at least what I buy! Hope your day is going great for you. Mine is getting better. Started this morning by opening a door before turning off the alarm.
Feb 23, 2023
Elijah13 did you also make your clothes when you were a kid? My mom taught me to sew and I made a lot of my clothes in high school - some so colorful or weird that I sometimes got made fun of. But I loved the freedom of being able to make clothes we couldn't afford to buy.
Feb 23, 2023
My mother was a great seamstress and made most of our clothes while in Elementary School. In high school remember buying lots of Tina Paige dresses. Couldn't wear pants while in High School! BOY! HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED!
Feb 23, 2023
You are so right! Amazing...
Feb 22, 2023
This is much more ordered than I would have imagined. Have a great safe day. We are supposed to have ice storms through today into tomorrow morning......yay......We were all happy about the mild winter we were having and in two weeks we have gotten 7 inches of snow last week and now ice....,, have I mentioned how much I dislike winter??? Have a day of beauty, kindness, and blessings all over the place!!
Feb 22, 2023
Oh heavens, that's terrible. stay safe! :0)
Feb 22, 2023
It's 83 here now at 12:53 pm. Unseasonably warm weather for this time of year in central Florida (Orlando area).
Feb 23, 2023
It's raining cats and dogs --- and lions and tigers --- here in central Illinois. The ground can't even absorb it and there are muddy puddles instead.
I was thinking of moving my car out of the garage for a free car wash! --- but that would mean a shower for me too. Not a good idea!
Feb 23, 2023
It's so unusual for the different sides of the country to have extreme highs in one and extreme lows in the other. I'm in Los Angeles and the wind is a-blowin'! We're due for some quite cold days here...but it will be nothing like your ice storm, nhoward!
Feb 23, 2023
Well, we survived the ice storms yesterday, now all we have to do is figure out how to get the ice off the driveway....really? At least the ice storm is over. We lost electricity yesterday and thank heavens it was only for a couple of minutes. Have a good day, all! And elijah13, I would love to be where it's 83.....humans....we are never satisfied with the weather! LOL!