Feeling backlash from the hurricane in the Gulf. Lots of rain for all week. 2 tornados hit in south Orlando yesterday. We were in the zone for it -north of Orlando-but had lots of heavy rain, but very little wind.
I hope the weather calms down for you, elijah13. We are supposed to get the remnants of the hurricane later this week as it travels northward. I hope your sister is better and things are going well with you. Blessings and hugs.
Jun 8, 2020
Thank God
we get hurricane a lot in N.C
got lot of damage from Florence
God is GREAT
got enough donations friends and family to cover repairs
Jun 8, 2020
I'm glad to hear the tornadoes didn't affect you. We had a minor one in NY about an hour north of us several days ago. They said it was on the ground for 6 miles. No matter how minor they still cause a lot of damage. Thankfully I have never experienced one and hope I never do.
Jun 8, 2020
We got a right-proper deluge during the night here in n.e. Florida.
Didn't get to the flower show here this year. It was probably canceled as it was in late March when things had started to get bad. It has three sections. One is the floral arrangement competition. The second is the landscapers' displays. Lastly is a bunch of retail booths that only sometimes relate to gardening. I got a really pretty ring last year at wholesale price there.
This year a rose bush that hasn't bloomed in 20 years has three buds. It was devastated by an attack of peach borer and has just barely managed to survive. All the roses in the yard are especially bloomful this year because of the mild winter.
Wishing you a flowerful summer.
Love the flowers and the bright colors. I hope all of you are well and not in the path of the hurricane. Even up here in northern Illinois we're supposed to get a lot of rain later in the week. I hope everyone is as safe and secure as we can be in these times. May God's love and protection be your constant companion this day and always. Hugs and prayers.
Feeling backlash from the hurricane in the Gulf. Lots of rain for all week. 2 tornados hit in south Orlando yesterday. We were in the zone for it -north of Orlando-but had lots of heavy rain, but very little wind.
we get hurricane a lot in N.C
got lot of damage from Florence
God is GREAT
got enough donations friends and family to cover repairs
This year a rose bush that hasn't bloomed in 20 years has three buds. It was devastated by an attack of peach borer and has just barely managed to survive. All the roses in the yard are especially bloomful this year because of the mild winter.
Wishing you a flowerful summer.