Funny Faces Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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cute foodfacesbreadcheeseolivescelerycarrotstomatoes

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Jul 8, 2020
God bless the mother who creates these for her children.

God bless the mother who creates these for her children!

May 4, 2020
Like these clever little sandwiches.
Jan 15, 2020
What's the pink spread? The green looks like humus but the pink that looks like jam wouldn't really work with olives, celery peppers and cheese. They are funny little faces. I'd rather puzzle them than eat them I think.
Anybody watch the Jeopardy champion match last night?
Wishing you good energy to accomplish all your tasks today.
Jan 15, 2020
The pink looks like orange (carrots? ) on my monitor. I was out and couldn't see the championship last night but I plan on watching it "On Demand" soon.
Jan 15, 2020
I think I it might be ham salad spread. Just a guess. Have a great day, pixiixil!
Jan 16, 2020
I think it is a tomato based sauce. That would be tasty.
Jan 16, 2020
The tomato would go but I wouldn't like it cold. The color would match and it seems to have sunk into the pastry on one. At first I was thinking lox but it didn't look quite right for that either.
I think it's too orange for ham salad but that might tempt me if it is. I think it's too red for carrots.
Maybe some sort of secret puree with all those ingredients? Well we'll never know since we weren't invited to the party.
Jan 17, 2020
But it got a good discussion going!
Jan 20, 2020
Yes it did.
Jan 16, 2020
Jan 16, 2020
The snacks look TEMPTING and delicious!!!!!!
Jan 15, 2020
Cute puzzle. Off to do some errands now. No time for quotes for this one. Maybe when I do the other one today. Have a great day. I'm going to spend some of my gift cards.
Jan 15, 2020
"Give kittens a dash of catnip, and you'll be met with a purr of applause." - known
Got the your back!! Ha! Ha! Looks like you have a busy day.
Jan 16, 2020
Went shopping today--bought new towels to go on the furniture (for cats). Tabby still on meds for thyroid but is doing well. However, Cleo thinks she needs to eat when Tabby does--often. Then I have Blu who has gained all her weight back because she can jump up to where I have the food for the other 2. I just can't win!!!
Jan 16, 2020
The funny faces food dish in the picture looks like something my wife would put together for a party.
Jan 15, 2020
Mom made eating fun....Cute
Jan 16, 2020
I used to use food coloring for my youngest son to get him to eat and drink milk. Very unusual colors for Thanksgiving and other meals.
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