Island Gazebo Jigsaw Puzzle

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A jigsaw puzzle for free of a gazebo in Kadriorg Parkpark in Tallin, Estonia. The gazebo is located on land surrounded by water, with only a small raft for access.


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Aug 5, 2023
Is that a little house for ducks?
Aug 6, 2023
I think you are correct. It seems to me there is something similar for ducks in the Boston Public Garden --- a lagoon
inhabited by ducks. They also can be seen on a small island in the lagoon --- as you ride around in a Swan Boat!
Aug 6, 2023
Here is what it says in the description gazebo in Kadriorg Parkpark in Tallin, Estonia. The gazebo is located on land surrounded by water, with only a small raft for access." ugs.
Aug 7, 2023
Thanks for the research, aussie.
Aug 7, 2023
It is below the puzzle picture :) Hugs nlb.
Aug 8, 2023
Silly me. I don't always look at that!
Sep 18, 2023
Hi all - I think today is aussiesapphire's birthday - or tomorrow, or yesterday, in Australia?! This is the most recent post of yours I could find, aussiesapphire, so I'm writing you here to wish you a happy birthday - unless I wrote it down wrong, which is entirely possible! In any case, sending you many hugs and hoping you are well; you mean so much to all of us here...xo
Sep 19, 2023
Hi bopitextreme - thank you so much for your lovely message. It was last Tuesday (12th) and I had the best 83rd birthday I have ever had lol. Not too well - had another hospital visit and still being treated and it was two months ago. Developed an infection in my stomach lining which required two lots of surgery and am home but nurse comes twice a week to dress the wound. Taking some time to heal because of the diabetes. But getting to tekl lots of people about the love of Jesus. Take care and God bless. aussie
Sep 20, 2023
Aussie ---- You have been missed. Bless you as you recover from infection and surgery. These "golden years" sometimes lose their shine! Think positively!
Sep 21, 2023
Aussie, I have to say you are amazing. With all your troubles you are still focused on how loving Jesus is. Good for you. Never change.
Sep 21, 2023
Hi Jamp, thank you and really trying to be positive about it all. Loving hugs.
Sep 21, 2023
My goodness, what a lot you've been through! I'm glad you are home and keeping your spirits up. (I'll have to steal your joke about "best 83rd birthday I have ever had, " lol.) Bless you, dear aussie!
Sep 22, 2023
Aussie is a true gem, isn't she?
Sep 22, 2023
Thank you Pixi - I will do my best :) Hugs
Sep 22, 2023
You are welcome to it bopit. Hugs
Sep 25, 2023
And so are you Aknan. Loving hugs.
Sep 25, 2023
I have also missed you and would like to wish you a Happy Birthday. Glad you are doing better, love to read your remarks.
Sep 26, 2023
Thank you 123bunny - hugs.
Aug 12, 2023
I love Gazebo's and the area that it's located.
Aug 7, 2023
Very pretty place in the park. Good for all kinds of activities.
Aug 5, 2023
I can just see the bride and groom standing in the middle so in love and happy. Hear the music playing softly and the family so excitedly talking softly. How beautiful the setting is for any celebration of life. Wonderful puzzle.
Aug 6, 2023
Rpayne ---- What a romantic you are! I love it!
It could also be a small concert venue.
Aug 6, 2023
I thought of this also but did not want to write it all down. Thanks for the reply.
Aug 6, 2023
What a perfect place to relax, meditate, pray, and just be happy to be in such a beautiful place. May your day be filled with time to relax, enjoy your family and friends, and thanking God for all the blessings that fill your day that sometimes you don't really see those as blessings. Remember that even if something goes wrong, we can learn something positive from it and that is a blessing. Blessings to all!