Good Morning Note Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Aug 12, 2020
This reminds me of a friend/colleague who always, on the first of every month, sent me a "Happy August ---- Happy September", etc. message, email, call, visit, postcard --- He is gone now, but I think of him on the first of every month. It's all about staying connected with friends.
Jul 14, 2020
I love Lillie's of the Valley, my favorite spring flower. Have a lovely day and may the angels be accompanying you through the day.
Jul 14, 2020
They have a very pretty smell. I don't have any. My aunt and grandmother did.
Jul 15, 2020
One of my friends had Lillies of the Valley overtaking her yard (a problem I would love to have) and dug most of them up and giving them away. I got a bunch yesterday and today is planting day!
Jul 16, 2020
How lovely. I got daylilies my neighbor dug up and put them all along the front of our fence. I thought they would prevent the weeds from growing but they don't. Still I do love day lilies.
On m garage and front door I painted designs with them.
Jul 16, 2020
Sounds beautiful!
Jul 17, 2020
Thanks nborchardt. I like them. After 9/11 I had painted a big bald eagle on my garage door with the words justice not revenge but after a while I wanted something softer.
Jul 14, 2020
How do I get to Adobe Flash Player???
Jul 15, 2020
Adobe is getting rid of Adobe Flash Player permanently. All websites, including this one, are working on getting suitable replacements. Some websites had stopped using it a long time ago. It' s suppose to be going away by December 31 of this year. A huge drop in popularity and security issues led to it's decrease in use from what I have been reading. On my computer, I just allow Adobe Flash player for C4J when I am going to do the puzzle of the day. I hope that explains some things about. Have a great day. :-)
Jul 15, 2020
Might be best to google how to get it??
Jul 16, 2020
Absolutely sunsetsky. I agree. That would be the best option. However, even Adobe is discouraging people from downloading their flash player and encouraging people to uninstall it from their computers. It'll be gone unavailable in five months, unless Adobe decides to extend the end date of the program for some reason.
Jul 15, 2020
Jul 15, 2020
A thoughtful "Good Morning"!
Jul 14, 2020
Too much like yesterday's. Think I'll go puzzle shopping, but first have to fill the bird feeder and put out the garbage. (Sigh)
See ya later.
Hope your day is filled with enjoyable tasks.
Jul 15, 2020
Chose a gorgeous waterfall somewhere in Laos. Got the porch cleaned up a bit and the garbage out. Folded and put away wash. Practiced singing while I folded wash.
Made lunch. Did an acrostic. Went out to water the yard but it started to thunder so I came in and worked on a four foot tall lupine painting. It's 3 D and some of the leaf pieces don't fit together well. I hope I can smooth over the gaps. I've been at it for two plus years and I'm tired of working on it. I can't imagine how artists like Michaelangelo could stand painting that ceiling for years and years. Soon it will be time to start supper. I'm making an omelet. We don't have heft breakfasts any more. I have yoghurt and my husband has oatmeal so if we want to enjoy a tasty, hefty breakfast I make it for supper.
Jul 15, 2020
Homey picture. warm and cozy
Jul 14, 2020
I love lily of the valley. Wish I had some in my yard.....!
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