A salt water creek near my former home was often home to swans.
One time the local newspaper reported that one of the two swans had died. Swans mate for life. A few days later I passed by and saw a car parked near the creek and a man standing at the edge of the grass talking to a lone swan at the edge of the water. The man was obviously talking to the swan and the swan was listening. I knew what the conversation was --- a condolence call.
One time the local newspaper reported that one of the two swans had died. Swans mate for life. A few days later I passed by and saw a car parked near the creek and a man standing at the edge of the grass talking to a lone swan at the edge of the water. The man was obviously talking to the swan and the swan was listening. I knew what the conversation was --- a condolence call.
I wish you a wonderful good morning and a wonderful day ahead.