Lace Doily Crochet Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Crochet is a beloved and fun craft that rewards care and attention to detail. This free online puzzle features cotton yarn that has been crocheted into a beautiful doily.


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Jul 22, 2024
192 - 2:27, 154 - 2:08, 127 - 1:58, 63 - 1:09, 48 - 0:55, 6 - 0:04
Jul 11, 2022
I never had the patience to do these.
Dec 2, 2020
I would loved to have been taught how to crochet doilies. I only managed to do afghans, which was fun, and I did do many of them. My favorite was the one I made for my daughter's hope chest, and she still has it on her sofa. Still, doilies would have been fun to know how to do.
May 12, 2021
I learned how to knit during WW!! when we would send socks, scarfs, etc. to our military. I was probably in grade 2 or 3 at the time.
May 13, 2021
What a neat story. You were really young to learn such a skill. Thanks for sharing that.
Jun 15, 2020
My mother could crochet. My grandmother could knit, crochet and tat. When she would knit she could watch TV. I don't suppose you can crochet without looking at what you are doing having tried to do it once or twice. Anybody out there a crochet master?
Wishing you all a full appreciation of the frilly things of life.
Jun 15, 2020
Well I don't consider myself a master at crocheting,, but have crochet most of my life,, my mom taught me...I have made doilies, doll clothes, scarfs, pot holders mostly afghans..working on a shell stitch afghan now...and I'm 77 and still at
Jun 15, 2020
"Not I, " said the seamstress.
Jun 15, 2020
"Not I, " said the puzzle master.
Feb 2, 2021
Pixi I always loved crochet more than knitting. I always messed up my knitting projects. I crocheted baby clothes, baby blankets, afghans, scarves, etc. I still have 3 or 4 of my projects in my house. One of my friends said she still had the blanket I crocheted for her baby son more than 30 years ago. I don't do it any more but it's not so hard. Also my mother taught me how to crochet which was a big challenge because she was right handed and I'm left handed. She told me years later how hard it was for her to teach me.
Feb 2, 2021
My mom and I had the same problem -she was a lefty and I'm more of a righty. We finally stood facing one another and that solved most of the problems.
Feb 3, 2021
Brilliant. What a great solution, aknan. lilbc, are you 77 like casey? You both had the same crochet projects. When I was visiting a friend one of her dolls had a crocheted dress I fell in love with. I talked her into trading it for a brand new Mr. Potato Head set I had gotten. When I got home my mother was so angry as the set was probably expensive but I thought it was for babies (which I didn't say to her). She said I should have asked her to crochet a doll's dress and she set about making one but she used regular yarn and it was all lumpy looking as the yarn was too thick. The other dress was made with silky thread.
Feb 3, 2021
What a clever idea! We never thought of that. It would have been a simple solution.
Feb 4, 2021
Pixi, I just turned 69 two days ago. I don't crochet any more. I have been working on and off on a quilt that my great grandmother started way back when. Don't know if I'll ever finish it. I do enjoy working on it though.
Feb 5, 2021
What a lovely project you have t work on, lilbc77. I bet when you work on your quilt it brings happy memories of your grandmother.
Feb 5, 2021
Actually pix it was my great grandmother and I never new her except through her children. She had 11 children and all of them lived. She had 5 daughters, one of which was my grandmother. I come from a long line of matriarchs. I have post cards that her children wrote to her and she wrote to them, from the early 1900s. I have many pictures of her and I would have loved to have known her.
Feb 5, 2021
Do you live in the same house she did? I'm amazed you were able to save all those things. That's really special.
Feb 8, 2021
No pixi, I don't live in her house. The old post cards were saved by my grandmother and when she died my Mom just brought them to her house and put them in the attic. When my brother and I were cleaning out the house, we found an old toy box and the post cards were in the bottom of it. It was a miraculous find. It took us 3 years to get my parents house cleaned out for sale. They had a LOT of stuff and never threw anything away.
Feb 8, 2021
I don't live in my Mom's house either, pixi. I have a town house, just right for me.
Feb 11, 2021
Hi lilbc. I have a friend whose mother died and she had a three story home stuffed with everything from art materials to old newspapers. I don't know how long it took them to clear things out. When I die I will also leave behind a lot of stuff--tons of fabric and beading things and over 100 paintings and pastels that I hope whoever gets them will not simply throw them away as they are quality. I am wishing some minor museum will be interested in at least a few. Others will go to my husband's huge family.
Feb 12, 2021
Hi again pixi, I am intrigued by your paintings and pastels. My mother was an extraordinary artist and I just can't bear to get rid of anything she painted. My brother and I have most of her stuff, but we've shared with other members who were interested. I have no husband or children and I, too have a lot of stuff. People have asked me what will happen to my stuff. I can't control what happens after I'm gone so I just enjoy it all now. I'm the family historian as well. I am on Ancestry and I have files on everyone in the family here in US and in Ireland. I enjoyed going through all of my parent's stuff. It was hard work, but we didn't want to miss anything and it provided us with closure as well. I have some of my favorite things from their house here and they comfort me. My best girlfriend was a crafter and beader, too.
Feb 12, 2021
Do you only have a brother or are there more? I only have a brother who is 7 years younger. I have a few cousins but have never kept in touch with them. I had three aunts and one uncle who is still living (mid 90's and still great to chat with).
Feb 14, 2021
I have 2 brothers and a sister. I'm not close to my older brother, none of us are. My sister lives in Chicago. She's a member of C4J, too. She has gotten her grandchildren hooked on it as well. I'm closest to my younger brother and my sister. My younger brother lives near me. I have lots of cousins, but we're not close, just Christmas cards. I have cousins in Ireland as well. We keep in touch, but not often. No aunts or uncles left. I was very close with 3 of my great aunts, long ago.
Feb 14, 2021
I think my brother and I are getting closer after all these years. He was mostly involved with his wife's family but her parents died and one brother also. The sister and her family joined a cult and moved away from them. He has several friends. He makes them easily. He wants us to move there but it's so much work and so expensive to move.
I have become closer to the only uncle I have. He's 95 but still sharp. I got him hooked on computer solitaire but couldn't get him into anything else. He hates computers but sometimes uses one in the library.
Jun 16, 2020
Yes a learn how to book and try YouTube
Jun 15, 2020
Such pretty colors. I like the different shades of pink. I would like to know how to crochet.
Jun 15, 2020
I learned with a learn how book
Jun 15, 2020
I will have to try that.
Jun 15, 2020
My wife loves to Crochet. She makes some good things.
Jun 15, 2020
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