Lightning Strike in a Lake Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jul 11, 2024
I saw the strangest thing yesterday. A bolt of lightning streaked across a beautifully clear blue sky! Never saw that before. I looked it up and it apparently isn't all that unusual and is the source of the saying "a bolt out of the blue."
Jul 10, 2024
Lightning scares me. My Uncle was killed by lightning.
Jul 11, 2024
Me too. And even worse where thunder accompanies all that lightning! Here lately, seems it's happening more often than ever.
Jul 11, 2024
Took me longer for I had a hectic day sitting in car dealership just to get the vehicle's oil changed, new filter and new oil or whatever it takes for brake fluid. From 1:15pm until 4:04pm! Doing nothing except sitting all day, makes me exhausted!!! But I did still enjoy the jigsaw puzzle, even if I don't like lightening!!! July 10, 2024
Jul 10, 2024
That's a two-pronged hit!!
Jul 10, 2024
Wouldn't want to be in that area with all the lightening going on.
Jul 10, 2024
Beautiful picture of lightening! Have a serene calm day with your families and friends! Blessings, love, and joy for you this day!