Lush Mountain Pasture Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle for free online of bright green pastures high in the mountains. The fall scenery is accented with tall snow-capped mountains.


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Apr 15, 2019
Mystery one, but love it.
Oct 21, 2016
I'm getting slower all the time
but what does it matter
I'm not going nowhere till Jesus comes
Oct 23, 2016
Wow, I never thought of that concept before. And I love it, and plan to embrace and share it, too.
Dec 18, 2018
Me too my friend, Me too.
Feb 6, 2018
Beautiful but easy puzzle to do.
Nov 11, 2017
So pretty
Sep 3, 2017
Another beautiful mountain scene....I love it....Dbnc2....Why worry. I pay no attention to times....I am just thankful that I have these to help pass the boring hours
Oct 20, 2016
Lovely place.
Very tired but had to do the puzzle. Goodnight.
Oct 19, 2016
Can't wait until our street is clean again after Matthew. Tornado devastated our 4 block area of homes. Out of power for 6 days. I was lucky, only my fence was destroyed. The city has so much clean up that I don't think they will be picking up these giant trees that uprooted and blocked all the streets in my neighborhood anytime soon. At least no one was hurt. Ormond Beach is a mess.
Oct 19, 2016
We were out of power for 3 days but we have a generator which is a life-saver. Still piles of yard trash - the larger trash trucks are trying to make their way around the city.
Oct 19, 2016
I am praying for you Judy2014 and the other's affected by Matthew. I am glad that you are ok and that only your fence was destroyed. Hopefully your streets will be clean soon. Sending you hugs and blessings!
Oct 20, 2016
So sorry that you, Judy and Trynfindit were hit badly by the storm. I'm glad nobody got hurt. Trynfindit, I've been trying to get my husband to get some backup system but he feels it isn't necessary. We have been very lucky.
Oct 20, 2016
Having a generator or not getting one can be a conundrum - do you spend the money for something you may not use but a very few times, or do you spend a little and have necessities and comforts when it is needed? We choose the latter. During the storm, after we lost power, we hooked up a couple of 'outdoor' extension cords, ran them into the house and started up the generator. From those two cords we were able to hook up: In the kitchen - our refrigerator, coffee pot (a distinct necessity in our house! ), a lamp and an electric burner unit. In the living room - a lamp, fan, and television. In the bedroom - a lamp, the tv, two fans and our CPAP units. We didn't run the bedroom stuff during the day, only when we were going to bed. Then we turned off the living room stuff. Sure makes 'roughing it' a lot easier. And God provided cooler temps than we would've had during the summer. We've lost power during storms in the summer and, after the 'cane passed, the temps went back up into the mid to high 90s.
Oct 20, 2016
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