Luxury Yacht Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jul 25, 2020
Wouldn't want the care for this, but would love a ride or a vacation in one like this!

"Life is either a great adventure or nothing." Helen Keller

Have a great day!
Jul 27, 2020
And only we can make it the adventure or nothing. We are the ones who decider what our lives will be, no one else can, or has the right to govern our lives. Great quote!!
Jul 27, 2020
I've often heard similar quotes from famous people. Maybe it takes that sort of risk taking attitude to become famous. As for me I just want peace and quiet.
Jul 27, 2020
After raising my kids, putting out a zillion fires, working my tush off and dealing with a zillion and a half problems...I'm ready for peaceful, quiet serenity!
Jul 25, 2024
You certainly have earned it. Enjoy it!
Jul 28, 2024
I think that most of everyone who is getting older, deserves peaceful days, laughter until we cry, and hugs without end. God bless us all!
Jul 29, 2020
That is a beautiful big yacht.
Jul 27, 2020
Saw many of these when we visited Cabo San Lucas over the years. Most also had a runabout for use in harbor or for skiing and a couple of jet skis. One even had a helicopter landing pad! Much too rich for my, I get seasick.
Jul 27, 2020
Nice, but scary-looking!!!!!!
Jul 27, 2020
Way too big for my taste. Can you imagine the upkeep costs
Jul 27, 2020
I think it was one of the Vanderbilts who said, "If you have to ask how much it costs, you can't afford it."
Jul 27, 2020
I expect if you can afford a yacht that size you can afford the maintenance.
But I'm like you in that it's just too big. I'd be happy with a 14 foot jonboat, a cane pole and a can of worms!
Jul 27, 2020
Nice, very nice! This is an expensive, but useful, toy for a rich person. And if someone has one, I hope they enjoy it most thoroughly!! Have a peaceful awesome day filled with love, blessings, hugs, and wonderful moments to remember.
Jul 27, 2020
Right. If you aren't rich enough to have others take care of it for you it's no fun at all--only a big worry, expense and a huge amount of work.
We had friends who owned a boat about a fourth this size and they gave up on it after a few years. We went out with them but it was anything but peaceful fun. The engine stalled and a stiff wind was blowing it towards a rocky jetty. The poor fellow was in a panic what to do.
Apparently the anchor wsn't enough to prevent a collisioin. I think he got the thing going just in time as we never collided with the jetty but can't really remember now.
The only boat that might interest me is a houseboat.
Jul 27, 2020
Nice but I don't want it
Jul 27, 2020
If I had oneof these, I could take a cruise and not worry about Covid19! Of course, the crew would have to be fresh out of quarentine.
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