Meadow Bunny Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Feb 10, 2021
I like to have at least 4 colors in my puzzle. Many animal pictures have neutral colors, animal and background. Finally an animal puzzle with multi colors. Yah!
Apr 9, 2020
Cute puzzle!
Apr 7, 2020
VERY CUTE!!!!!!!
Apr 6, 2020
I'm wondering if that's a real bunny. He looks stiff --- or maybe frightened.
Apr 6, 2020
Jamp that was my very first thought about the rabbit. You know what they say....that great minds think alike lol ;-D!! Be safe and well.
Apr 6, 2020
The ears seem a tad short too. Rabbits can stay very still, though. The left front paw being slightly raised suggests that it's a real rabbit. I suspect this is photo-shopped. How could you get a bunny cooperative enough to stand by a basket long enough to take a picture? Maybe it could be possible with a high-speed lens.
Apr 6, 2020
Maybe they got a pix of a real rabbit in a meadow and photoshopped in the basket.
Apr 6, 2020
Now that I've seen it full sized I agree the rabbit looks kind of dead. His eyes are so dull.
Apr 6, 2020
And he has no whiskers or eyebrow hairs.
Apr 7, 2020
Thanks for all your thoughts on my "wondering"!
All valid thoughts!
Apr 7, 2020
Possible solution: It's a ceramic rabbit (no whiskers or eyebrow hairs). What I thought was a raised foot is actually a small daisy flower obstructing the view of the left leg. Inner ear is painted, and the eyes could very well be what they use in some ceramic dolls.
Apr 6, 2020
Well working lots of puzzles having to stay home! We got home from wintering in Alabama now for 3 weeks. And to stay home! Ugh! So now I am rested up for sure and tackling some house cleaning. We live out in the country so don't see to many people. I am doing my own house work as I can't hire someone to come in at this point. So trying my best to getter done! I am moving slowly but it is getting done and not so bad. When I get tired nice to sit down and work some puzzle. Nice bunny today, real cute. Take it easy and stay put!
Apr 6, 2020
Not this year kids..So sorry
Apr 6, 2020
Looking more like spring
i think my dogwood has more blooms than ever
Apr 6, 2020
Mine had a good bloom last year. This year I don't see any buds.
Apr 6, 2020
Wasn't on yesterday. Computer not cooperating at all. They say that because everyone is home, the computers will be slower than usual. My niece came over this morning and got my computer working again.
Very nice puzzle to do. Hope everyone is staying well.
Apr 6, 2020
Have A/C high today 73, low was 55. It's cloudy to day!

"Have a chat with a cat.
All about this and that.
A secret place to hide.
New adventure outside.
A sunny spot to rest -
Catnip treats are the best!
A cat will chat all day -
There is so much to say! - unknown"

Have a Great Afternoon & Evening!
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