Mossy Trees Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle to play online of moss growing on old trees in a forest. The trees are growing in Olympic National Park in the state of Washington.

treesforestWashingtonUnited States

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Dec 3, 2020
That was a challenge!
Oct 1, 2018
Thick green forest! A mystery puzzle so wasn't sure what it really was.
Nov 17, 2015
Does anyone know what species these trees are and where in the world do they grow? Cheers, Julia
Oct 13, 2017
I don't know what kind they are, but they grow in the State of Washington, USA
Feb 19, 2017
I guess it's like that because Washington state gets so much rain--and the floods they are having in that part of the US is awful. I can't even imagine what they are going thru. God Bless Them!
Apr 25, 2015
So sorry about Aussie
I didn't see anything yesterday
am praying
the moss on these trees made me think about when my sister and I made play houses in the woods
we would gather moss and put in it
what good times we had
you don't see children playing like that now
Mar 22, 2016
Me and my brother still do that. Once in winter I made a tiny little hut for a squirrel.
Nov 2, 2015
Did it as a mystery
I must get up and start doing something
been here since 8 am and its 12 pm
May 3, 2015
This reminds me of home (Kona, Hawaii) in the 50s...we lived near an anthurium "forest" and it was mossy like this with all the huge red and dk. red anthurium plants in bloom. Seeing this makes my heart sing!
Apr 29, 2015
Sure do wonder if this is the Olympic rain forest in Washington? If not it sure does look like it. Used to live not too far from the area and boy could it rain, or pour I should say!
Hope things are looking up for Aussie and that her hubby is holding up thru all of this. She has sure been thru a lot.
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