Napping Cat Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle for adults and kids of a gray tabby cat resting on a blanket. Soon the kitty cat will wake up and be ready to play.


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Dec 19, 2020
Love the kitty
Dec 3, 2019
Cute cat.
Sep 4, 2018
I am using a borrowed computer and have put in my username and password only to be told that my "Adobe Flash Player is out of date". There is not an option to update it.
Sep 5, 2018
Bettenhawk, the browser on the machine you're using could be the problem. I use Firefox, but it doesn't support Adobe Flash, so I switch over to IE for my puzzling.
May 10, 2018
Awwwww looks so innocent.

"When you see what you're here for, the world begins to mirror your purpose in a magical way. It's almost as if you suddenly find yourself on a stage in a play that was written expressly for you." —Betty Sue Flowers

"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice." —Cherokee Expression

Good night and God bless. Hugs.
May 10, 2018
I like that Cherokee Expression, AS.
Hugs from the USA.
May 10, 2018
Cherokee Ex. really liked.
May 10, 2018
Hugs back to you and M - PW How is the new g grandchild?
May 10, 2018
The Cherokee quote was excellent Aussie, really beautiful. Thanks, bless you and a hundred hugs back to you my friend. Be safe.
May 10, 2018
1HATESIGNING1N - love your nickname, always makes me smile for some reason. Hugs.
May 10, 2018
Thanks Darambo, I needed that!!! Hugs.
May 16, 2018
Often when I walk into a room, I have to ask myself: "What am I here for? "
May 16, 2018
I found myself in a room and there was no question, "What am I here for." Of course, it was the bathroom and I figured it out by myself.
May 16, 2018
Hope it all came out OK for you PW hehehehe
May 17, 2018
The new great-great-granddaughter is eating like a little pig so she will probably end up with a well-rounded personality.
Yes, I was a little flushed by the time I finished, AS.
May 17, 2018
Hahaha - hang in there PW and blessings to Mrs PW for all she has to contend with hehehe. Hugs.
May 10, 2018
Nothing relaxes better than a cat. Well, maybe a three-toed sloth. Maybe.

I miss having a cat but a lot of the people I tutor are terrified of them. Some wouldn't even come in if they knew there was a cat on the place.
May 10, 2018
What do you teach?
May 10, 2018
Orinoco really great remark about the sloth! Had my first laugh of the day. We have 4 feral cats that we take care of and they let the 3 of us pick them up and pet them, but you should see them run if any one else stops by, then the dogs bark, so I guess they are our burglar alarm. Be safe.
May 10, 2018
Hi Orinoco, Darambo expressed my thoughts as well about the sloth. Hugs.
May 11, 2018
Abacii, I tutor ESL, English as Second Language. Some university students, some teachers, some just people who want to learn a little English.
May 11, 2018
I had 2 years of Spanish as a 2nd language. Easier to learn than English.
May 11, 2018
I always admire people who speak more than one language abacii and I would like to learn Italian. Just need to get motivated. Hugs.
May 12, 2018
I started out as a simultaneous translator, but after 40 you find another day job. I speak Spanish, English, French (which I can read but not write well), and a smattering of Italian.

As they say, the first sixteen languages are easy. LOL. In my experience, the first two are hard; after you get used to shifting parameters, the process gets easier...unless you change alphabetical systems as well! I only lasted six weeks in Russian class, and I was only 18 then. Couldn't learn to read!
May 12, 2018
I have traveled for work and picked up the courtesy and food words in half-a-dozen countries. I sometimes watch the Spanish channels to see what I remember.

I am (was) fluent in over 40 computer languages. They're hard to speak, but easy to read and write.
May 10, 2018
Love tabby's - almost bought one. The orange tabby reminds me of the cat used for the nine lives commercial morris.
May 10, 2018
Kitty has the right idea. It was mostly gloomy from late morning on. I'd like to have spent the day like kitty but it is Ascension Thursday so we went to Mass around noon.
Hope you all had an inspiring day.
May 10, 2018
This cat is putting in some serious ZZZZZzzzzzzz!!!!!
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