Yeah - Sharks won't hurt you? During the summer the sharks come closer to shore. They will even bury themselves into the sand. We go swimming and step on them and are bitten. There was a young girl that came to Fla. and her grandmother teased and said don't be bitten by a shark. She and her friend went out to far. She was bitten a few times and died. She was 14 years old - Jaime Daiigler.
Aug 13, 2018
Don't believe every thing you read.
Aug 16, 2018
Sharks do come to shore and have bitten many ppl. It was on the news as well. There was an article about her in a magazine about the incident.
Aug 20, 2018
Whale Shark won't hurt you even their so massive. Any other shark yes they can hurt you. Many times when we wear those black wet suits they mistake us for a seal. There was a video clip of a guy in waist deep water. I believe he was a trainer or expert - and the sharks were swimming around him. Everything fine 1 min. and poof the shark took a bite.