Never again will I have outdoor cats. Lost too many growing up and when I was old enough to have my own, they eventually just either another animal or by vehicle, I never knew. So I wised up, and when I moved to Oregon in '03, I got two rescues kitties and they were raised indoors, and I still have the girls...ages 14 and 16 years young, and healthy. I love them dearly!
My 3 are indoor cats. They have an area where it is screened on one side and that is their outdoors! I have one cat that sleeps out there at night--except when it gets below 60 F. Then it is closed for the night.
I fell outdoors about a week ago. thought I was OK but woke up this Am with to swollen butt cheeks, so I sitting on ice right now. apprecaite any prayers.
I fell about 2 yrs. ago and broke my right shoulder
please be carful
but have to cut off and hem a pair of pants
it's a job I hate to do