You can get the red, orange and yellow ones at a substantially lower price at WalMart's.
Dec 6, 2014
Have you ever read labels at Walmart. So much for China and other foreign countries that I have never heard of. What happened to Things raised in America.
not a political statement, just a fact
Dec 6, 2014
The laws made to help the working man get a decent living wage are being dodged by sending everything overseas. So here is everybody stuck with jobs that don't pay and no fringe benefits because mostly part-time so where else can you afford to shop but on stuff made in China etc stores.
Aug 12, 2016
"If you're willing to go to the ends of the earth for your employees,,, you'll find you can hire them for about five cents an hour."
What is the benefits of all the difference colours peppers. Which one did you eat the most. Do you eat it everyday and how many each time.
Nov 2, 2014
Each kind of pepper tastes a bit different. I like all but orange the best. They don't have any in the puzzle but they are not as sweet as the red which spoil quickly.
not a political statement, just a fact