Pickling Vegetables Jigsaw Puzzle

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summer lifefoodvegetablespicklespicklingtomatoescornolivespeasgreen beansyumyummyhappy

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Sep 22, 2024
Nice puzzle!
Sep 23, 2020
Those pickled vegetables look delicious.
Aug 30, 2020
Everyone have a fantastic day. My daughter is moving into another sober house. The one she's at now is closing. This one will have more extensive services. First, she will be in a 3 week program and then move into the house after that. I'm helping her move her things today. She is all out of sorts about moving but also seems to be looking forward to getting the right kind of help. I'm nervous and anxious. The last several times I went to see her she wouldn't let me in. What can I do? She always says she has too much going on. I am her mother. This is so very difficult for me. I will take any advice and prayers offered. Stay safe everyone.
Aug 31, 2020
Hi leia7, I know exactly how you feel. My daughter has cut me out of her life all together now and we both have birthdays in September, 12 and 14 as well as her husband and her son. So hard for me to accept she doesn't want anything to do with me. I just keep telling myself that God is in control and continue to pray for her. Loving hugs.
Aug 31, 2020
Leia7, I was in a psychiatric hospital for depression (4 times) and did not allow my family to come see me. It had to do shame at being in there and being so totally out of control. I know facilities like that try to keep their clients busy. It helps to distract them from their problems. Please do not take it personally, it is just the state she is in right now and when she reaches the other side she will most likely, slowly, let you back in. It is hard to let those who love you see you at rock bottom. Try sending cheery, optomistic cards and flowers. A little thing like that can give hope with the knowledge she is loved. And never stop praying!
Aug 31, 2020
Leia7, it may be that your daughter is too nervous about her past to see you right now. At least she's letting you help her move. I'll keep praying for you both - you for serenity and for her, strength & understanding.
Aug 31, 2020
Leia7 what you're going through is difficult. It's also very difficult for your daughter so y'all have something in common there. The best thing to do is be supportive of her. You may want to consider going to Al-Anon. https://al-anon.org/
God bless you both on this journey.
Sep 1, 2020
Good thought, trynfindit - they've helped many people and the advice and support are free.
Sep 2, 2020
Thank you everyone. Each of you have a story to tell and unwanted hardships. I appreciate each of you and pray for The Lord to help you not only through but above and beyond. I didn't get to help her move. She wouldn't answer my calls. She finally messaged me after 12:00 am saying she doesn't need my help. Her boyfriend helped her. He is also an addict and has caused her to go deeper into the addiction. Although, I know she chooses to do what she does. I could go on and on but will stop here. Thank you to my wonderful, thoughtful, beautiful and ever so kind people I like to call friends. May God bless you and provide for all your needs.
Sep 3, 2020
So sad leia and I know exactly how you feel., I only had one child and a week from Saturday I will be 80. Some friends are having a get-together for me and I thought I had everything under control re my daughter, but last night burst into tears wanting her to celebrate with me but knowing it would not happen. There is a Scripture verse from Joel, 2:25 that says
“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten— the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm— my great army that I sent among you." and I sure cling to that one. Loving hugs,.
Sep 4, 2020
Hugs, aussie, really big ones...
Sep 4, 2020
Thank you aknan to you as well. Hugs.
Sep 7, 2020
Thank you Miss Aussie for the scripture verse.It's not your birthday yet, but I would love to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday. Happy birthday! September 12th is a special day and God wants you to rejoice and enjoy it. You are a special lady. Even though it is only by internet, I am blessed to be in your company. :)
Sep 7, 2020
Thank you leia. I do appreciate your kind words. Hugs.
Aug 31, 2020
I can still taste Grandma's crab apple pickle she canned, plus her apple butter.
Aug 30, 2020
This brings back so many memories of my mom canning, pickling, and how the house would smell so great. She made the best apple butter in the world. I don't think we appreciated all of her talents as a mom and the one who kept the house together. God bless the moms wherever they are. They were, and are, the direct blessings of God on earth. Have a truly blessed day, all!
Aug 30, 2020
I love homemade apple butter!
Aug 30, 2020
This was a good puzzle but kinda hard to do
when l was a young ;un apple butter was a treat
a few years ago I had so much apple sauce I put it all a pot and added spices and put in my slow cooker and made apple butter
it was good
Aug 31, 2020
I remember smelling my Grandma's mustard pickle as I approached the house. In season, there was much canning and preserving. Before the days of freezers!
Aug 31, 2020
I love the puzzle. There was a lot of love and hard work involved in preparing those vegetables for pickling. It brings back memories.
Aug 31, 2020
Looks yummy!
Aug 31, 2020
This reminds me of my Grandpa and pickled cabbage. He and I loved Grandma's pickled cabbage and missed it when she was gone. She had not written her recipe. One time when he came to visit, we decided to re-create it. We wrote everything down --- and after much taste-testing we were satisfied! I make it several times a year --- in their memory -- and for my pleasure.
Aug 31, 2020
That's a wonderful story JAMP. And a yummy memorial.
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