Plastic Toys Jigsaw Puzzle

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toy chesttoysplasticcolorcolorfulanimalswindowscubesbrighthappy

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Jul 31, 2023
My sweet little great-granddaughter would love a couple of these toys. A very colorful puzzle for today.
Dec 28, 2023
Hi micki! How are you? I haven't seen comments from you lately, or I just missed them. I hope you are well, and enjoying the holidays. I always enjoy seeing your name pop up! Big hug
Dec 29, 2023
Well it's almost 2024! Whoopee..I guess. I'm doing great for an old broad. I volunteer 3 days a wk. at my local library, so it keeps me sane. I'm wondering how you are doing also, and if you are retired, or just a stay-at-home and/or have hobbies that you enjoy (besides C4J)? Love to see your comments also, by the way! Have a great New Year. ~..~
Dec 30, 2023
Ah, thanks micki! I imagine it must be rewarding to volunteer at the library. And you can pick out books for your great grand-daughter! How...great! You have me beat, no grandkids even yet for me. I got a late start, lol. Not retired quite yet, but I work from home and have plenty of leisure time to do puzzles! I have to admit I sometimes stay up til midnight so I can see what tomorrow's puzzles are...that's what happens when you have no set schedule I guess. I wish you a great new year as well. I hope we all have a better one! xo
Aug 1, 2023
Wow, that was fun and I made my best time ever on the 1008 pieces, 5:39:40! I love doing colored objects.
Jul 31, 2023
Love the looks on the faces. They're enjoying it also!
Jul 31, 2023
Fun and colorful. A great way to start the day.
Jul 31, 2023
What a fun, bright colorful jigsaw puzzle.
I enjoyed working it.
Thank you.
Jul 31, 2023
Bright, colorful toys.
Jul 31, 2023
A wonderful spread of toys for a young little one to play with! Have a gloriously blessed day and may you be surrounded with love, joy, people who love you, and whom you love!