Can you believe I finally finished it!!!!!!
I spent over almost 4 1/2 hours - off and on
for months - even tried to get rid of it but it
wouldn't go. Finally something clicked and
I finally did it. My alzheimers (msp) wouldn't
let me quit!!!! I've learned you don't have to
quit if you, ve the time - use it. Thanks for the CHALLENGE.......
took a while but I loved the satisfaction of finishing it.
I spent over almost 4 1/2 hours - off and on
for months - even tried to get rid of it but it
wouldn't go. Finally something clicked and
I finally did it. My alzheimers (msp) wouldn't
let me quit!!!! I've learned you don't have to
quit if you, ve the time - use it. Thanks for the CHALLENGE.......