Red Squirrel Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle to play online of a red squirrel in the summer. The squirrel is standing in the grass.


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Oct 22, 2024
I don't think I ever saw such a distinctly different coloring on a squirrel.
Oct 8, 2016
Love the different colr tail.
Aug 19, 2015
Squirrels are pretty interesting animals. I remember seeing something on PBS years ago - this man tried "squirrel proofing" his bird feeders. He kept adding various barriers, he'd add 1, the squirrel would figure it out, then he'd add another. He gave up after 12 barriers.

The bus stop near the pharmacy I used to go to had a shelter under an oak tree. In the fall, it sounded like I was being fired upon from all the acorns that the squirrels were dropping above me.
Apr 28, 2015
That little green between his tail & back thru me.
Nov 20, 2014
Funny little guys.....they tease my dogs........but that's ok they need the exercise.
Oct 1, 2014
This little guy is so cute...really alert watching something! We don't have very many in our area of the city! Have seen one or two this year but that is all!
Sep 27, 2014
These guys that look so cute are really terrible monsters. I have them in my front yard around the bird feeders and they wont leave when I come out to holler at them. I even hit one with a rake handle and he just looked at me. A friend offered to electrify my post and I am thinking about it.
Sep 27, 2014
You have my sympathies. I have chipmunks, red squirrels and grey squirrels so I have sunflowers germinating in clumps all over my flower beds.
Sep 27, 2014
Try greasing up the post with vasoline. :) There's a video on Facebook of a squirrel trying every which way to get up a pole to a bird feeder - he just slides down every time! lol!

My uncle used to feed birds at his house in Austin, Texas. They were so much fun to watch...they would sit on the electric lines above and they would come down by type of bird: blackbirds, sparrows, finches, redbirds, etc. etc. They were very organized! Then the squirrels would come in and mess up the party. My uncle finally built them their own feeding platform on the tree near the bird feeders and they would play and eat very happily on their platform and leave the birds alone! It was quite entertaining to watch the whole show!
Sep 27, 2014
I tried the Vaseline thing. Didn't work. Must depend on the diameter of the pole.
Can't afford to feed both. Anyway there are tons of trees around with nuts and cones galore so I have no intention of feeding them. That will just cause an explosion in the squirrel population. I'm glad it worked for your dad. Maybe in Texas where it's drier there is a chance of it working.
I think something has scared the squirrels away (my neighbor's cat who sits under the feeder and jumps at the birds until I catch him at it? )as I haven't seen them in a while but the chipmunks are always around.
Sep 29, 2014
I have a recipe for squirrel stew.....
Sep 30, 2014
Sorry, but I don't think I could actually kill anything. much less eat it.
Sep 30, 2014
I tried killing one of our Bantam roosters that got old. It was a horrible experience and I hated the smell so much. Even after stewing him in a crock pot he was tough and inedible. Never did that again! I know that isn't your point cindy. You are kind hearted but we were quite poor then and could not aford sentiment.
Oct 1, 2014
Oh, yes, pixipixil, I do understand. We were poor too when I was young. My brother hunted and I am sure I ate what ever my mom cooked, she even raised chickens so yes I understand, but I mean who I am today. My granddaughter, being a vegan, would like me to quit meat totally.
Oct 1, 2014
Jesus appeared to Peter(or was it Paul? ) anyway He told him in a vision all foods are good so I wouldn't worry too much. Thankfully we no longer have to endure all the blood and guts of slaughter.
Sep 30, 2014
This little fellow teased me all throughout the puzzle like Squirrel Nutkin.
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