I received another one for my birthday, a "Roku". Now it takes three remotes for me to operate the TV. Do you ever pick up your phone or your calculator and try to operate the wrong thing? All of this technology is hard on grandmas! Sigh.
I agree with you! Somedays with all the tech stuff I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone!
Jul 24, 2016
I would love a TV that I only had 1 remote for with ON/OFF/VOLUME and STATIONS.
Aug 1, 2016
Three remotes for one tv. Now there's a remote called universal remote. Maybe you have one remote for the tv and one for the vcr/dvr. The universal remote controls all of the devices. In the states you can purchase them at a store like Best Buy. We had the same issue and that's what he did. Hope that helps!
I used to get some exercise with the old change the channel with the tumbler. Had to WALK to the TV and do that manually...now it is all remote this and a remote for that...getting lazier and lazier.
Fun puzzle, but in real life I hate these things. We need two to operate our tv, and my other half still hasn't figuered out which one turns it on and which one changes the channels. Too many buttons...