Rialto Bridge Jigsaw Puzzle

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The Rialto Bridge, so expertly depicted in this online jigsaw puzzle, is the oldest of the four bridges that span Venice's Grand Canal. First built in the 12th century as a pontoon bridge, it has been reconstructed several times since.


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Jun 27, 2024
I've always wanted to see Italy. I think now it just may be a bridge too far.
Jun 28, 2024
Another chuckle from lilbc77.
Jun 27, 2024
Thank you for showing a lot of other countries beautiful land marks for I'm never ever going to get over to any of them in my lifetime.
Appreciate that a lot and I did enjoy working the jigsaw puzzle.
Jun 27, 2024
I was fortunate to see this beautiful bridge when I was in Venice...just beautiful and the people were so nice. Have a wonderful blessed day and don't forget to share those blessings......it multiplies your joy!!