Not too easy. Have 2 nieces and husbands living in San Diego. One is trying to buy a house but no luck. Then wanted to go on some errands. An ambulance pulled up and one of my nieces parked in my driveway. My sister has had some breathing problems so the took her to the hospital. Now will try to do some errands before I go to rehab at 11 am.
Lovely picture of dawn on a large city. I enjoyed doing it and it didn't take a huge amount of time to do. I hope everyone has a lovely day with many bright points in it and many blessings bestowed and shared.
We are having the usual winter cold spell here. Thankfully the last few days have been sunny so it hasn't felt claustrophobic to be shut in. Going puzzle shopping today on the randoms. Will let you know which one I chose.
Hope you can all find selections to please you today.
Very nice. My husband and I used to visit San Diego at least once a year. He had lived there during his childhood and teen years. We probably should have moved to the area but his illness kept us from doing that.
Hope you can all find selections to please you today.