Seashells and Starfish Jigsaw Puzzle

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Mar 8, 2024
Who sell's seashells down by the seashore? My sister taught me this way back in the fifties'. What a lovely puzzle. And just enough of a challenge to do.
Mar 8, 2024
Who? Suzie! Suzie sells seashells down by the seashore! Thanks for the memory! My sister (Betty) taught me that too...she lives near the seashore in WA state. She is in home-hospice right now and wants someone to take her to watch the ocean. I'm not allowed to travel right now or I would be there in a flash. We both think that would be a beautiful way to say goodbye to each other, but I guess we'll have to settle on welcoming each other to heaven. (Now I'm sobbing......)
Mar 9, 2024
Ah, JoyceRogers, bless you both. Thank you for sharing that, my heart goes out to you...
Mar 9, 2024
The hope of heaven is greater than the sadness of not being able to spend time together here. What a glorious time that will be.
Mar 9, 2024
Times get hard in life, that's when we put all our trust in the Lord., because He is always with us, even in the difficult times and be thankful that you have a sister to love.
Mar 9, 2024
Joyce and Betty ---- Make the most of your time with each other. Pick up the phone and chat about anything --- maybe she has a recipe you always wanted to try --- ask about it. Talk about favorite memories that only the two of you share. (Do you remember when Grandma........? ) I was with my sister during her last two months and I cherish the chats we had. Bless you both.
Apr 21, 2024
JoyceRogers, just saw this conversation again and sending sending love your way...
Apr 29, 2024
Thank you all for your love and prayers...It has been a very rough month. First, Betty and I have a brother, Charlie, who has suffered with pain issues all of his life. When he heard that Betty was going into hospice, he lost it. Charlie passed away recently, around Easter. This is a difficult time for my family and I.
I had been calling Betty everyday and we had wonderful conversations that cheered us both up greatly. When she heard about Charlie, she went downhill rapidly. Within two days, she couldn't speak, and couldn't process what was being said to her. She passed away peacefully at 2 am on April 10th, with her son by her side. (Her family members were taking turns being with her.) She was right with the Lord and ready to go. If I could be half the Godly, charismatic, compassionate person that she was, I'd feel blessed!

Betty's Celebration of Life is being held on May 4th in Washington State. My husband has decided that we need to fly First Class to get there, so we will be more comfortable and be able get there safely. (I'll be traveling against medical advice.) I want to spend a little time at the seashore and at the tulip fields to honor her. She had said those were two things she wanted to show me before she passed away. We didn't make it in time, but we'll be together in prayer.

I may be hurting right now, but I know God's timing is perfect and everything is just as He planned it. My mantra is now WWBJD? (What Would Betty Jane Do? )

Thank you all again. Please keep me in your prayers for the trip to WA.

Apr 29, 2024
You will be greatly prayed for. There is no end to the power of prayer. Be blessed on you time there and safe return.
May 1, 2024
Bless you and your family in this very difficult time. I also pray that you find peace in the tulip fiends and at the seashore, and return safely.
May 12, 2024
Thank you all again for your prayers! The whole week we were there was so uplifting! We had some wonderful family time with relatives that we rarely see. Everyone felt so close, and it was all because of Betty. She was such a beautiful, friendly, endearing person, and she drew us all closer together through her legacy. The Celebration of Life was wonderful! There were approximately 200 people there. Yes, there were a few tears, but a lot more smiles, laughter and hugs! Betty was an avid rock collector (pretty baubles! ) and she loved glitter as a part of her sparkling personality! Her family and friends gave each person a heart-shaped pebble in a small pocket-sized bag, and sprayed anyone who wanted some, with a gold-gllitter spray that gave us all a beautiful shine! The eulogy was given by each of her children and grandchildren and they each did beautifully! Betty's favorite food was "Sweets! " so the food served after the service was cotton candy, strawberry shortcake (with edible glitter! ), cookies, candy, etc!! It was so much fun while we all shared our favorite story about Betty....I've never heard such an out-pouring of love and laughter from so many people! It was exactly what Betty wanted everyone to remember about her! God's Love is JOYFUL!!! She will be missed by all, but we're all a little closer to God because of her!

Thank you Betty Jane!
I can't wait to see you again at the feet of Jesus!
May 13, 2024
Simply beautiful.
Mar 10, 2024
Oh I love this puzzle just beautiful seashells which I love sheashells all shapes and sizes!
Mar 9, 2024
Pretty sea shells. My grandparents had a summer cottage at the beach and we spent many summers there until Hurricane Carol in 1954 demolished it and we had just finished high school and moved to Florida.
Mar 9, 2024
Whenever we go to the beach I swear I'm not going to hunt for more shells (I've got a 2ft x 2ft x 6ft glass cabinet full of the shells I've collected) but invariably I wind up in the 'shell collector's stoop' hunting away!
Mar 8, 2024
I really enjoyed working the jigsaw puzzle. So refreshing, that I almost felt as if I were walking in that clear water. First try, one piece didn't snap in, so had to redo the puzzle. Thanks for sharing pretty photo.
Mar 8, 2024
Mar 8, 2024
Ah, the symbols of summer to remind us of the warmth that is waiting for us just down the way! Have a beautiful day that is filled with blessings that make our days so wonderful!