Sleeping Golden Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle of a cute golden retriever puppy. The puppy is taking a nap and will soon be rested and ready to play.

golden retrieverpuppydoganimal

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Feb 6, 2017
This was an INTERESTING and CUTE puzzle of the STATES. I haven't done it for quite awhile, but I decided to, finally. That little(tiny) piece for Rhode Island threw me for a loop until I couldn't find the other piece I needed for the puzzle, so I moved the puzzle down and then discovered it and then proceeded to solve the puzzle.
Feb 12, 2017
Just hit the shuffle pieces button and it brings out those tiny hidden bits. Must admit that one always eludes me as well. Hugs.
Feb 8, 2017
Sucha cute puppy!!!
Feb 5, 2017
Such a cute puppy. I've always wanted a Golden as well. I've seen some Goldens that are cream color - almost white. Others have seen in rust color.
Feb 5, 2017
I'm first in line to adopt him!
Feb 5, 2017
Good morning to you all, hope you have a wonderful day. That puppy looks like it would just be so soft to cuddle with. I just love puppies and dogs. We have 2 Welch Corgi's, they are sisters from the same litter. They are funny little dogs, very loving also. My brother had a golden retriever named " Shane", he was a wonderful dog, really good with my son when he was a toddler and with all the other kids as they were growing up. Everyone be safe out there.
Feb 5, 2017
A friend of our son's had a golden, he was so funny...was scared of cats so when they came by he would not look at the cat, turned his head & hid behind him when one of the cats showed up.
Feb 5, 2017
CatLady that's a funny story.

darambo, we had a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Dudley. He passed away in Dec of 2015 but he was a wonderful dog, funny and loving. We still miss him and talk about him and will for many years to come.
Feb 5, 2017
Could they have found a floor and a puppy that were closer to the same color? It would be hard, I think. Made the puzzle hard on my eyes. Cute pup, though.

God bless you all aand have a great day.
Feb 5, 2017
I have always wanted a golden puppy. Have rescued several but always older. GREAT PUZZLE~!!! ~
Feb 5, 2017
A relaxing dog! Quick to do puzzle.