Story Time Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jan 12, 2022
Books, desserts, and a cup of tea. Great combination for a relaxing time.
Jul 5, 2021
Exchange the tea for coffee and I'm pulling up to the table.
Oct 15, 2020
Having my morning coffee now! Going to vet with instructions for what Tabby needs Monday morning. Approved for l-131 which will be on the 27th with a 2 day stay there for her. Hopefully then she will be healthy again.

You cannot go through life without expecting some type of pain/discomfort, physical and emotional. It is necessary for growth.
----I am certainly feeling this while preparing Tabby for the 2 hour trip to the animal hospital for her thyroid.
Have a great day.
Oct 15, 2020
Lets us how it come out!!

"The world's fearless human owns a white cat and a black couch. - unknown"

Have a Great Afternoon and Evening to ALL!
Jan 3, 2021
Best wishes for a Happy Tabby!
Nov 2, 2020
All that is missing is a comfortable chair to settle in!!
Oct 15, 2020
Sweet setting but I am hunting down that puzzle I saw in th randoms yesterday with fall foliage and a bridge. Yesterday I took a very long walk and snapped quite a few pix of our neighborhood lake. Today we plan to go to a park for a walk. It's a rural park so hopefully it won't have many folk around.
Wishing you beautifaul Fall foliage and for you down unders cheerful nesting birds and blooming bulbs.
Oct 15, 2020
Park visit is out. Husband was surprised when I mentioned it and I really don't feel up to it. Did too much yesterday I guess. Plus it is quite windy today and walking through a woods isn't always safe when there's a stiff breeze.
Oct 16, 2020
Hope you can reschedule your walk for another day with better weather.

I am envious of everyone who is experiencing cooler temperatures. Here in central Florida it is still in the upper 80's with feels like temps in the 90's.
Oct 18, 2020
My uncle lives in Sarasota and I have in-laws in the Villages. Where are you, Karen?
Thanks for your good wishes for a reschedule. I haven't been feeling quite right for the last week. I had one good day and the rest have been feeling tired out with tummy issues and now an eye infection. I clearly caught something unpleasant. My left eye looks like I got a shiner...
and it itches.
Oct 19, 2020
Hope you're feeling better by now.

The villages are a couple hours north of me, and Sarasota is south and west. I live in Lake Wales. If you look up Bok Tower Gardens, you will see our claim to fame.
Oct 19, 2020
Thanks, Karen. I'll do that.
Oct 19, 2020
Looked up the garden. Really pretty. Are you a member? If I lived near a garden like that I think I'd join.
Oct 15, 2020
Such pleasant colors. Fun puzzle..Going to have a cup of coffee now
Oct 15, 2020
I wish we could all get together for a cup of coffee --- but joining together for jigsaws and "conversation" is the next best thing. Maybe it is the best thing -- as we can do it every day!
Oct 15, 2020
Amen to that Jamp!!! Hugs.
Oct 16, 2020
I like to imagine we will all get together in heaven and have a real nice chat.
Oct 18, 2020
Wearing a piece of puzzle with our names on it lol
Oct 16, 2020
Oct 15, 2020
I love Lillies of the Valley so much. They are so delicate and so beautiful. My favorite bouquet for Spring is violet and Lillies of the Valley. One year for Mothers' Day my daughters got up early and picked both flowers and made lovely bouquets for me. One of my best memories of them growing up. Have a splendid day and may love and joy give you some wonderful memories. Blessings to all.
Oct 15, 2020
And they smell so lovely!
Oct 15, 2020
Hugs nborchardt.
Oct 16, 2020
I love them too. We had a row of them along the back side of our house when I was growing up. Then we moved to Florida and I haven't seen them live since. That was 49 years ago.
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