This reminds me of sitting on the back porch with my sisters and mom and stripping the peas from the pods. Not all of them got into the pan, but they were sure tasty.
Hi bmoo. Do you play guitar? I do a little. Mostly I sing. When it comes to playing instruments my hands and head are too slow...a real disappointment to me.
I enjoyed this puzzle but I did find it somewhat challenging. I wouldn't want to work one like this every morning though. This puzzle took quite a long time to complete, but I did finally finish it. Enjoy it, everyone!
Shadtrapper, I found it somewhat challenging as well. I kept thinking of my mom cooking these up with some bacon and new baby potatoes! lol That a memory from many years ago.
"May you see sunshine where others see shadows and opportunities where others see obstacles." Unknown
"Even if you encounter opposition, have conviction and finish what you start. In the end, people will understand." —Kotaku Wamura (Mayor of Japanese village who built a sea wall, against many protests, which recently saved the town when the tsunami hit NE Japan)
Peas and bananas come so neatly packaged. I like peas with mayo whether hot or cold. I wish they'd grow in my yard. Eating them fresh was always such a treat.
Hoping you have a nice fresh day...fresh air; fresh food; fresh experiences; but not fresh retorts.
"May you see sunshine where others see shadows and opportunities where others see obstacles." Unknown
"Even if you encounter opposition, have conviction and finish what you start. In the end, people will understand." —Kotaku Wamura (Mayor of Japanese village who built a sea wall, against many protests, which recently saved the town when the tsunami hit NE Japan)
Good night and God bless. Hugs.
Hoping you have a nice fresh day...fresh air; fresh food; fresh experiences; but not fresh retorts.