I LOVE BOTH OF THE COMMENTS - by Lucille Ball and Robin Williams.
Sugarloaf Mountain would be sweet mountain to climb.
Aug 10, 2016
I love Robin Williams, God rest his tortured soul.
Aug 10, 2016
Yes, it is so sad that people get into these dark places and those around them do not recognize it. He was a very funny man and a great loss to all. Hugs.
Nice picture. They really had a bad storm the other day. However, they said most of the buildings for the Olympics were temporary ones--probably why the damage.
"A man who correctly guesses a woman's age may be smart, but he's not very bright." Lucille Ball
"Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they've got nothing to lose. "Robin Williams
Good night, God bless and take care. Hugs.
Sugarloaf Mountain would be sweet mountain to climb.