Thunderstorm Jigsaw Puzzle

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Nov 4, 2021
I love pictures of storms. II am not a fan of being in one, but their power is to be respected and bears watching for any danger that may appear. Blessings to everyone and have a fine day.
Nov 4, 2021
I agree with you nhoward.
Nov 5, 2021
My mom loved to watch hurricanes! She would sit near the front door, open, and watch through the screen door like a it was TV.
Nov 8, 2021
Wow! I was only one hurricane in Corpus Christi, TX, and that was scary enough. I was in Honduras when 2 different hurricanes hit there, but I was living in the central part of the country and experienced the catastrophic flooding that happened because of the rain in the mountains.
Nov 4, 2021
Several years ago I was dog-sitting my dog-neice when there was a violent thunder storm. A crack of lightning/thunder struck nearby and I thought the house might break in two! The pup, who slept in the hall on a fleece blanket, flew from the doorway to my bed, landing on my thighs which were black and blue for weeks (all in a good cause! ). We cuddled for quite a while until her shaking (mine, too! ) let up. A scary memory for both of us as neither of us likes storms.
Nov 5, 2021
I bet it was scary but your description of the story made me laugh.
Nov 4, 2021
GORGEOUS photo!!!!!!
Nov 4, 2021
I do not like thunderstorms.
Nov 4, 2021
Yooo, ahhh I love lighting and thunder and it can be scary.
Nov 4, 2021
Beautiful to look at but deadly if you are near it. Very scary!

Had blood work this morning, now to have hair done and grocery store, then home for rest of the day. Hope your day goes well for you.
Nov 4, 2021
I don't like thunder storm's, I am afraid of lighting.
Wishing everyone a great day