Oh if he was alive for this picture at this turkey day, he's safe!! Like the quote from Parson Wayne!! Have a great day, aussie, and sending wishes to you for a glorious day.
Nov 29, 2019
Hugs back - we do not celebrate Thanksgiving here, that is an American holiday, but I do remember how lovely it was when I lived over there, and all the food!!! Hugs.
Dec 2, 2019
I know that Thanksgiving is an "American" thing, but you can still have a glorious day, my friend!! Hugs back at you!!
Happy Thanksgiving! This holiday is extra-special for so many Americans celebrate it. "We gather together..........."
This is an impressive Mr. Turkey. Maybe he's the patriarch of his family.
Ah, the National Bird of the USA. Well, if Benjamin Franklin had his way it would have been. Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating today. Remember everyone has something to be thankful for. Give thanks with a grateful heart friends and puzzlers.
Canyanman, my then husband had relatives in Humble and Fort Worth and I lived in Houston for a while. Went to a football game in Fort Worth and that was quite an experience. Hugs.
Nov 29, 2019
Who was it that wanted our national flower to be the marigold? Could you just imagine our national symbols being the wild turkey and the marigold?
See you tomorrow!
Parson Wayne pun - A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.
Good night and God bless. Hugs.
lot of family
a few that were not family
all in all a great day
This is an impressive Mr. Turkey. Maybe he's the patriarch of his family.